Thanos’ New Look For Avengers: Endgame Revealed Through New LEGO Leak
The Avengers: Endgame trailer did not give us a lot, especially when it comes to Thanos. The story arc of the Mad Titan is a big mystery as of now. Back in Infinity War, it was made clear that his motivation is to bring balance to the Universe, but we don’t know what will bring him back into action since he has already achieved what he was destined for.
So far from what we know, he is retired and satisfied with what he has achieved. He is spending the rest of his days as a farmer on what we may call Titan 2. A new Theory actually posted that his mystery location may actually be Wakanda, but let’s not go there for now. A leaked concept art gave away the fact that Thanos will be back in his armor and he will also be having a big-ass new blade as his new weapon.
But with a new leak that has come from LEGO, it seems that Thanos will probably be getting a new armor after all. The armor looks to have a lot more of Grey than Gold this time around, but it’s possible that the suit may look a little different in live action from what it looks in this action figure. Have a look:
The Avengers: Endgame trailer did not bring Thanos forward as we only got comic accurate moments referenced in the trailers. But the big takeaway from the trailer was Thanos’ new get up. Even though we did not get to see the full look at Thanos, but we got a glimpse at his new white shirt/tank top.
There is also the factor of another greater threat coming in Avengers: Endgame, apart from Thanos. It may actually become a possibility that Thanos may actually team up with the Avengers for a while to stop that threat from Universal Annihilation.
Thanos has certainly been the best MCU villain of all time. Josh Brolin has done a remarkable job bringing the character to life. Here’s what the directors of the movie, Joe and Anthony Russo had to say about Brolin’s work as Thanos:
“Anthony Russo – He’s such an amazing performer and so uniquely suited to Thanos. What we were looking for in the character of Thanos is the strongest, most intimidating figure in the universe. While at the same time we wanted to tell a story about a character with a really complex and empathetic interior life. There are not a lot of actors that can give you both of those things. Josh Brolin is perhaps the best example that you can find where you have somebody who has a physical presence and brings that level of intensity and threat, while at the same time having another layer always at work underneath that, which is a very complex inner life and a lot of emotional depth and texture.”
“Joe Russo – Josh created an incredibly nuanced character who is both frightening and oddly emotional.”
Hopefully, Thanos turns out to be as intimidating as he was in Infinity War, and no aspect of Avengers: Endgame messes him up. He’s already won the first battle against the Avengers, and it is highly likely that he will be taken down in the next one. But we don’t wanna see him get defeated like a Puny God. He has to go down swinging and that is probably what Marvel has in mind for him.
The next trailer of Avengers: Endgame will surely give us a better look at Thanos. Kevin Feige has always said it for a fact that the MCU past Avengers: Endgame is going to be nothing like what we have seen till now. The landscape of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to be changed forever, and here’s what he had to say about it:
“You start to think differently about how the characters are interacting, what character’s stories are coming to a close, and what character’s stories are only just beginning. Those stories will continue. I think they’ll continue in surprisingly different and unexpected ways after these two Avengers films.” Which characters will survive long enough to see the shift, though? No one knows just yet.”
Avengers: Endgame comes out on April 26.