‘Avengers 4’ Directors Are Looking to Introduce ‘Groo The Wanderer’ Into The MCU
We all know that the future of the directors of Avengers 4, Joe and Anthony Russo is still in doubt regarding their return in order to take charge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe again as there are a lot of reports signaling towards their departure after the release of Avengers 4. But, they’ve announced recently that they really want to bring ‘Groo the Wanderer’ in the MCU some time in future.
I know a lot of fans will be in shock as the choice is quite absurd and funny as they’re talking about a character like Groo in context of bringing the character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a quite an unexpected answer for a lot of people out there.
We all know that Russo Brothers have been tremendous in their time at the Marvel Studios and we simply can’t think of any Marvel movie without them directing it because they’ve really set the level of the MCU bigger and better than it ever was.
Now, if we talk about the character about which they talked recently during the screening of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, a Q&A session was hosted by Collider and in which Joe and Anthony Russo talked quite openly about the character they want to introduce in the movies of the MCU but the answer they came up with was really incredible and was also simply unpredictable.
Russo Brothers revealed that they want to introduce ‘Groo the Wanderer’ into the MCU but for me personally I think they used the character like a shield in order to skip that question as they both said,
“Groo the Wanderer,” Joe revealed. “Anybody? Anybody? We have comic book collectors here, right?”
Now, if we talk about the character ‘Groo the Wanderer’, then it is a character which has been drawn and written by really talented and popular Spanish/Mexican cartoonist named Sergio Aragones. But, it was Mark Evanier who co-plotted, re-written and also edited the character.
The character ‘Groo’ made its first appearance back in May 1982 in Destroyer Duck #1 of Eclipse. The character is simply a parody version of popular and famous barbarian genre of comics of that time and was close to Red Sonja and Conan.
Groo is a very good and special kind of a swordsman and is also considered as a master of his sword, but he has destroyed civilizations and towns unwittingly. If we talk about the success of Groo then not many will know this but Groo is simply one of the very first examples of a successful creator-owned comic books as Groo keeps on bouncing from publishers to publishers but the rights of the character still belong to Aragones.
Originally, the comics in which Groo has appeared were printed by Pacific Comics in the year 1982, but the publishing kept on for just eight issues because of financial issues at Pacific Comics. It has also won an award for Best Humor Publication as an Eisner Award was given to this back in 1992.
There are a lot of other things about this character but we should move our focus back on track as the director-duo were asked a lot of questions in the Q&A session and the duo replied and hinted towards the direction that they’ll return when Marvel Studios will think about making a movie based on the events of ‘Secret Wars’.
We all know that there are a lot of things which are still on the line in order to make their appearance on the big screen but the departure of Russo Brothers from the team of Marvel Studios seems to be kind of a shock for the fans because they simply don’t know the work of any other man or duo with whose work they can be associated as in their eyes Russo Brothers’ direction added majorly to the rising level of MCU.
Well, do you think Russo Brothers are thinking of bringing ‘Groo the Wanderer’ into the big screen of Marvel Cinematic Universe? Do tell us in the comments section below.