Wonder Woman 1984 Theorized to be the Flashpoint for DCEU
Wonder Woman 1984:
Fans have long since abandoned any hope they had for the resurrection of the current version of the DCEU. We have been duped enough and we no longer want to suffer at the hands of a studio that does not support the vision of the content creators. But our irrational minds cannot seem to let go of the characters. We just love them so much. Even after the disappointment that was Justice League, fans like us have still been eagerly waiting for any news of where the DCEU will go next.
It’s like a bad relationship, no matter how many times the studio lets us down we still go back to them in hopes that they will do better next time. I wonder if the fans will ever be rewarded for their patience or will this end as all bad relationships do? It’s a question only the future can answer. We shall find out.
The near future, however, seems shaky and dice for the DCEU. With the independent Batman project stuck in developmental hell and the ever so prevalent recastings, it seems that the end is close for DCEU.
The Flash movie is on shaky ground as well, the only project that has gained any traction whatsoever is Wonder Woman 1984 and there is a new theory floating around the internet that makes it seem like that the project will be much more important for the DCEU than WB has let on.
Reddit user u/Perseuss_Andromedam posted this on r/Fan theories recently:-
[WW1984] will be the "Flashpoint" for the DCEU from FanTheories
Now, I’ll be the first one to admit that the entire premise behind Perseus’ theory is a bit far-fetched but that does not degrade its plausibility in the least. It is entirely possible (considering the current state of the DCEU and the perception of the audience towards it) that WB is planning a soft reboot of the series. ( you can already hear the Batfleck fanboys wailing in the distance ).
The soft reboot will allow DCEU to start afresh much like what Days of Future past did for the Fox X-Men franchise. But the real question is, is this blatant speculation completely baseless or does it have any ancillary evidence to support it?
The question Is a good one and the premise is ever so enticing. A successful DCEU is a very very promising prospect for both the audience and the studio but the task is easier envisioned than accomplished. It is hardly plausible for WB to plan a reboot when most of their sub-franchises are dead in the water.
Or maybe this is a perfect time? I’m certainly no expert but one thing that I know for sure is that fans want one thing from the DCEU above all else and that is more Batman. The Batfleck that we got in BvS was the perfect rendition of the caped crusader from the Arkham games which in turn are heavily inspired by the Dark Knight source material.
Add on the Frank Miller suit on it and we as the fans received a great version of onscreen brilliance which included the Batman warehouse fight scene. Even though the DCEU is largely considered to be dead but that one scene from BvS will forever live on in the comic book movie hall of fame and in our minds.
That scene may also be reason enough for the DCEU to make Batman the center of attention, if and when they choose to do a soft reboot. Can that soft reboot be coming in Wonder Woman 1984 in the form of a mini-flashpoint? That remains to be seen.
Although I will not disregard the fact that the motivations of Barry from the flashpoint comic and that of Wonder Woman over here (as described by Perseus) seem sinisterly similar, however, that does not mean that DCEU is necessarily headed towards flashpoint.
We shall find out more once the movie actually rolls around. We may even have a clearer picture of DCEU’s future by then.
What do you think? What is your opinion? DO you think the DCEU is truly dead or do you think that WB will pull something amazing out of their figurative hat once Wonder Woman 1984 rolls around? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and keep watching this space for all updates WB and DC.