Marvel Solves The Mystery of Where Nick Fury Was Before Avengers: Infinity War
People have been wondering why Fury only showed up at the end of Phase 3 after departing on good terms towards the end of Phase 2. It even irritated Samuel L. Jackson that he was neither called for the Civil War, nor was he called up for the Black Guy team up film, Black Panther. Jackson really didn’t know where Fury was, and neither did we. But Marvel really doesn’t leave many stones unturned and they haven’t done so with this one as well. They’ve finally revealed where Nick Fury was after Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Fury played a vital role in recruiting the Avengers and forming a team that could defend Earth from the extra-terrestrial threats. He was pretty frequent and in the lead during Phase 1, but his role diminished in Phase 2 after Captain America: The Winter Soldier completely changed the paradigm of the MCU.
He returned for a short while in Age of Ultron, gave the Avengers the helping hand that they needed and then, as far as we’re concerned, he dived back into the hole that he dug after Winter Soldier.
Coming back right at the end of Avengers: Infinity War raised a lot of eyebrows and what he did coming back was an even bigger mystery. Seeing Maria Hill and Nick Fury in the post-credits gave us a little hope after the tragic snap.
But as it turned out, that hope only lasted a few seconds until came to know that this scene was just showing us the aftermath of the Snap. Seeing all this, Fury gave the signal to Captain Marvel and now we all want to know where Fury has been and why did he take so long for calling Marvel’s strongest Superhero into the mix.
While the second question will be answered a little later, Marvel has answered the first one as we now know that whereabouts of Nick Fury in Phase 3 through Captain Marvel Prelude #1.
Spoilers obviously follow, so you can read the Prelude instead of this article!
The comic reveals that ever since Shield fell, Hill & Fury have been working together. Even when Hill was a part of the Avengers team, she was actually working for Fury, keeping an eye on the heroes for him.
They were aware of the Civil War, and when the team split into two, the two former Agents of SHIELD dropped completely out of the radar, operating upon threats that were not on the radar of the Avengers. But even doing that, Fury always knew that a greater threat was coming, so he actually tracked down Rogers so he could reconcile with Tony ahead of Infinity War.
While Fury gave Nat, Cap & Sam a visit, Hill was sent to the Avengers facility to try and get Stark to do the same thing but she was dismissed from the Avengers facility!
But the question still arises that where is Fury getting all the resources to do whatever he’s been doing? So we could only imagine that he already hid a bunch of SHIELD resources for situations like this even before he left SHIELD.
We will obviously know more when the second Prelude and Captain Marvel comes out. The next MCU film is going to solve major MCU mysteries and clear a lot of doubts that we have about Avengers 4. But still we have to wait for both these films, and more so for Avengers 4 which will follow Captain Marvel on May 3, 2019.
Avengers 4 is going to be a very special outing and here’s what Kevin Feige had to say about the film:
“I will say, the entire intention of Infinity War and the next Avengers film next year was to have an ending – to bring a conclusion to 10 plus years, 22 movie narrative in a way that hadn’t been done before in this particular type of film. It’s been done before in films where there are a finite number of books, and they finish telling the story for the books, so they come to an ending. Characters like Spider-Man or Batman or James Bond or Iron Man, who have been around for so long and are always refreshed in comic books or novels or movies, you don’t necessarily get that kind of an endpoint – and we wanted to do that, which is what these next two Avengers films are.”