Marvel Has Finally Broken Silence on ‘Avengers 4’ Trailer
We all are really impatient and waiting for an update from the side of Marvel Studios on the topic of the revelation of ‘Avengers 4’ title as the movie is going to be the greatest superhero movie ever and I really think that it can be the highest grossing movie of all-time. Well, leaving all things aside, there is news that Marvel has finally reacted on the topic of Avengers 4 trailer and has a message for the whole fanbase.
We all have faced the same kind of impatience right before the release of the trailer of Avengers: Infinity War but this time things aren’t the same and are quite different as we all know that the movie Avengers 4 is going to reveal a lot of answers which we all are carrying for all these months and has also watched the movie Infinity War a lot of time. But, days on the calendar seems to be increasing after the end of every night.
The hype and excitement for the movie ‘Avengers 4’ is really huge that some of the analysts of the industry are predicting that this movie is going to engraved the status of Marvel as the only and the greatest and most successful creators of superheroes and also of superhero movies as we all know that Avengers 4 is going to end the ‘Phase 3’ of Marvel Cinematic Universe but soon the ‘Phase 4’ is going to kick-start with the release of the movie ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’.
But, it seems like the people at Marvel Studios aren’t aware of the kind of tension and also the level of curiosity which Marvel fans are having right now in their heads as last time when they spoke on this topic they said that fans have to wait a little more and they can understand the excitement and eagerness to watch the movie. Also, they’ve said and explained a lot of times that ‘Patience’ is the thing which Marvel fans need right now.
So, they want us to be patient and in the context of their demand I want to say something that how can the whole fanbase can just sit and be patient when they keep on teasing us with things like this.
Earlier this week it was none other than the Co-President of Louis D’Esposito who came up with a brand new tease for the fans as he tweeted he does know when the trailer of Avengers 4 is going to come, and also wants to tell, but can’t. Well, if you really can’t tell us then why you’re teasing us with things like this.
On top this the most irritating thing is the reply which Louis gave to a fan when a fan asked him about when they can be able to have this secret int heir hands and in the reply of this question he stated that,
“Are you trying to trick me into telling you when A4 teaser trailer will be released?” he asked in a Tweet. “I know the date and want to reveal it, but I can’t. Be patient.”
Well, I didn’t like what Thanos did in the infinity war movie right in the end. Yes, talking about that snap but people like this really encourages me to change my mind. So, jokes and poor statements apart, I think things like these are the ones which are making us realize that something big is really coming and in the end, we all know that we aren’t going to get the title or the trailer of the movie by sending tweets and all.
But, this is the brutal but beautiful reality and as I always say that being a true fan is never easy but always worth a lot of things. So, the movie is going to be released on 26 April 2019 and this is the only thing we know right now without any tease.