
10 ‘Dark Phoenix’ Theories You Won’t Believe Are Confirmed To Be True

The trailer of X-Men: Dark Phoenix has already collected a lot of praise from the fans and viewers across the world but the world of superhero movies has those fans and brilliant minds at their disposal who share some amazing theories on the internet. Thus, we’re here again presenting you 10 X-Men Dark Phoenix theories which are confirmed after the release of the movie’s trailer. So without any further ado, we’re off with the list below down.


We’ve seen a lot of costumes on the bodies of X-Men over all these years but it’s confirmed that we’re going to see that famous Yellow Spandex in the upcoming movie of X-Men: Dark Phoenix. The Yellow and Black suits are the ones which they’re going to wear in this film which is inspired by the actual comic book suits. Fans are already thrilled by the acquisition of these suits which remind us of comic books.


One of the biggest things about which fans are really excited about is the space exploration we’ll get to see in this movie as we’ve seen them travelling in space in the trailer and now that Phoenix has a great relationship with space adventures, it is definitely happening. Fans are really excited to see what will happen in space during their visit, as a big part of the movie is going to have a direct relationship to the activities that’ll happen in space.


A lot of fans were angry at the studios because they’ve shifted the release date of X-Men: Dark Phoenix to June 2019 because of having no space in their previous dates. It’s an easy choice and also a normal one as they don’t want to hurt their last X-Men movie by challenging others at the box-office. Also, it’s their last movie and all they want is a proper see-off from the fans and the box-office.


The love story of Jean Grey and Cyclops is finally going to have the space they always needed on the screen. But in this movie, we will see the couple together for a long time and also reports of Cyclops playing a big role at the end of movie signals towards a big romantic and a true love story in this movie. The director of the movie Simon Kinberg has said,

X-Men: Dark Phoenix Mystique

“As Jean starts to become more unstable, there are people in the X-Men who don’t think she can be helped and saved, many of whom think the world and others need helping and saving from her. And so Scott is probably the most prominent person who’s holding on to the hope that Jean can be saved.”

So, we can have this love story in the center of this movie.


There are many rumors in the market about the character of Jessica Chastain and after seeing her in the trailer, there are reports that she’s going to play the role of an alien and that alien is possibly going to be a Skrull who will manipulate Jean Grey in order to destroy all other mutants and the planet Earth. The director of the movie Simon Kinberg has told something interesting in the context of this to as he stated,

“I will say that Jessica’s character is not Mastermind but there are elements of the way Mastermind manipulates Jean that Jessica’s character does employ. For me, as you’ll see, that Jessica’s character has elements of a few different characters from the comics. She is from, let’s say, not our planet, her character.”


One of the most popular places in X-Men is Genosha Island and the die-hard X-Men fans out there would’ve found this in the trailer already. The place has a big story and there is a serious curiosity among the hearts of fans that how the movie is going to connect with this place. The place has been the ground of many wars and battles and maybe turns out to be the safe home for all the mutants lead by Charles Xavier and Magneto.


Dark Phoenix Theories

We’re going to see Red Lotus in the upcoming movie as we’ve seen in standing in the team of Magneto and fans are really exciting to see him in action as he’s a skilled martial artist and has also transformed his fighting abilities because of the mutant powers. He’s famous for his speed, strength, and amazing reflexes. Andrew Stehlin is going to play the role of this deadly mutant who is going to be on Magneto’s side.


Alongside Red Lotus, in the team photo, we can see Selene which is being portrayed by Kota Eberhardt. Selene is a very famous character of X-Men and the fans of X-Men have seen her in the comics time and time again. She’s also known as a Psychic Vampire and has been very devilish in comics and can possess a serious threat to the team of Charles or anyone who’ll look towards her with a bad eye. She also feeds on people who make her immortal and because of this ability she’s been living in the franchise for so many years.


Magneto is building a team again in order to fight for the values and philosophies he has inside his brain. We can see in the trailer that he’s in talks with some deadly and really talented mutants. There are many people who call his team as “Acolytes of Magneto” and some are calling it as “Brotherhood of Mutants”. But, in the upcoming movie, we’re going to see some pre-known mutants on his side as Nightcrawler, Storm, Red Lotus, Selene, and even Beast in his side.


In the trailer of Dark Phoenix, we have seen that Beast isn’t looking quite happy, cute, and calm as it seems like he’s going on a Rogue mode in this one. He will surely have some arguments with Charles Xavier and the days of a calm Beast are potentially over and we will see Rogue in this movie.

So, these are the things which are going to happen in the upcoming movie of X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

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