10 Upcoming 2019 Movies that will be Surprising Box Office Hits
2019 is going to be the Golden year for Cinema as all the big movies, especially in the Superhero genre, are going to hit the theatres within the same year! There are going to be sure shot Billion Dollar successes throughout the year as the likes of Avengers 4 and Star Wars Episode IX will be grossing past the $Billion mark with ease. But since 2019 is going to be such a big year for movies that we will actually see some of the upcoming movies rise out of nowhere turning into surprising Box Office hits just like Black Panther was this year. Here is a list of all the upcoming movies with the caliber to surprise us all:
1. Glass (January 18)
M Night Shyamalan gave us a remarkable movie with Split which actually turned out to be a sequel for Unbreakable. Now, we are going to get an epic conclusion to this Superhero franchise, and just as Split surprised everyone with its insane Box Office profitability, Glass will do even more than that as people are now really hyped about the story.
2. Captain Marvel (March 8)
This year Black Panther turned out to be a cultural phenomenon which became the highest grossing Superhero movie in US and it was also the highest grossing solo Superhero movie, now that is going to change as the strongest Superhero Marvel has ever put out is coming in, and she has the potential to take it past even Black Panther. This will be the first time a female Superhero is going to lead in a film, and we have already seen what Wonder Woman did, so Captain Marvel may actually turn out to be a Billion Dollar success for Disney and Marvel!
3. Shazam! (April 5)
This is going to be the first outing for the Worlds of DC next year, and after seeing the first trailer for the movie, fans are filled with hope and optimism, so WB could actually hope for this movie to turn out a greater success than the likes of both Man of Steel and Justice League. It may actually cash in big with the light hearted fun and that will officially set the Worlds of DC on the right track of success.
4. The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle (April 12)
Right before Robert Downey Jr. gives us his final outing as Iron Man, he will be appearing in Universal’s Doctor Dolittle reboot and if there is one thing that we know Downey is mostly known for, it is making tonnes of money for any movie he is a part of. Doctor Dolittle also has John Cena and Tom Holland voice starring along with Downey, so this al-star cast will surely ensure big returns on the project!
5. John Wick: Parabellum (May 17)
The final Chapter of the John Wick franchise is coming out right after the epic showdown of Marvel Cinematic Universe. You may think that it may suffer due to the mammoth Avengers 4 being played in the theatres, but we now know for a fact that John Wick is a very big character and people are really hyped about him, so he may actually surprise us by pulling off Deadpool and Logan numbers in the R rated Genre.
6. Men in Black Spinoff (June 14)
Sony is rebooting the previously successful Men in Black Franchise. One may think that it won’t work with the absence of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, but the Spinoff actually stars the Thor: Ragnarok duo Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, and it also has the big names like Rebecca Ferguson, Liam Neeson and other playing the Supporting roles, so there is no way that Sony’s reboot is actually going to fail.
7. Top Gun 2: Maverick (July 12)
Every year Tom Cruise amazes us with his death defying stunts in his big action movies. 2019 is going to be no different as he will be returning with a sequel to the first Top Gun movie that people loved in the 90s. With the huge stardom of Tom Cruise attached to the film, we will see this movie easily counter and hold its own even against the likes of Spider-Man: far From Home.
8. Hobbs and Shaw (August 2)
Universal is moving forward with the Fast and Furious Spinoff Hobbs and Shaw which will be starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham as Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw from the core Fast and Furious franchise. These are two of the biggest action movie stars currently working in Hollywood and with a highly successful Action movie director, David Leitch (Deadpool 2) this movie will totally be a major success on the Box Office!
9. Joker (October 4)
Joaquin Phoenix is going to star as the iconic Crime Prince of Gotham from the DC Comics. This will be the first time we will be getting an origin story for the Joker, and if the trailers of the movie spark even a little bit of hype, then we are in for a sure shot success for WB. Joker has the potential to be really profitable for WB as they are investing just $55 Million on its production.
10. Terminator 6 (November 22)
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s last outing as the T-800 is probably going to be the best of all, just because of the fact that James Cameron is overlooking things once again, and Deadpool Director Tim Miller is attached to the project. Paramount is looking to start a new franchise with Terminator 6 and they could actually be looking at a big money making franchise for the future!