
Avengers 4: Can We Expect to See Doctor Doom?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe spans over 10 years and over 20 movies. It is undeniably the largest superhero movie franchise to date. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has given us exceptional movies including Avengers franchise over the years. We have seen Thor lose everything and then grow into a king. We have seen Loki die, twice. We have seen Iron Man destroy his suits. We have seen the Captain battle in the World War II and then freeze over for nearly half of a century. We have even seen a young Steve Rogers attend the funeral of Peggy Carter (His love interest from the first movie).

We have seen Barton retire, and we have seen the heroes going at each other in Civil War. We have seen a Fox franchise grow beside the Marvel Cinematic Universe and we have seen Sony release two amazing Spider-Man movies while Marvel studios found its initial footing in the entertainment industry.

Then, after all of this 19 movies long struggle, came Infinity War. The movie was a culmination of everything that had happened all throughout the tenure of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Every hero we had invested in, every story we had any care for, and every character we had grown to love fell in Infinity War. The movie showcased Thanos’ destruction and that was the centerpiece of the chaos that was Infinity War. The movie saw the coalition of stories from 20 different pieces of media and over 40 main characters. It should be a chaos of story arcs, but thanks to the proficient and efficient filmmakers at Disney and Marvel it is not.

Rather Infinity War is a beautiful culmination of everything that has happened in the Marvel Cinematic Universe up until now. But the question remains, how is the Marvel Cinematic Universe going to account for the conflicts it has created in the Infinity War. How is Avengers 4 going to deal with all the death and destruction and mayhem that were the cornerstone of Infinity War? Read on to find out.

Avengers 4 Victor Von Doom

What is the chance that Avengers 4 will pull a fast one on all fans and do something completely different than what we have been anticipating? What if the next Avengers movie introduces a completely new villain to the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What if at the end credits or even during the ending scenes of Avengers 4 we see a new villain rise from the ashes of the big final battle for the cosmos.

The fans theorize that it is quite possible that the Mad Titan Thanos will be blinked out of existence at the end of Infinity War. This will ensure that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is kept safely away from his lethal clutches, no matter what the future holds. But this blinking out of existence, how is this to happen? Well, the prevailing theory is that someone will (Either with the started gauntlet or the original infinity gauntlet) do another snap that will return everyone who dies back to the realm of the living.

For a good part of last year, the fandom has witnessed as Disney has planned to buy 21st Century Fox. The deal is almost done, but when two big companies like Disney and Fox merge there a lot of details that they cannot afford to overlook no matter what. That seems to be the present scenario of the deal. The suits are suiting and the fans are waiting for the Marvel properties owned by Fox to return to their home.

But the fandom has other theories. You see, the fans believe that the second snap (Be it with the started gauntlet or the original infinity gauntlet) will return everyone back to life but this time with enhanced capabilities. This will ensure the advent of the X-Men universe within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But most importantly it means that we are pegged to see a cameo by Doom in Avengers 4.

I know, I know, the entire theory seems a little too farfetched but it is entirely possible and plausible. The idea of Doom emerging from the ashes of the final battle is completely possible and it will give the creative team a perfect standpoint to introduce a powerful villain such as Doom. Do you think it is possible, or do you think we are being completely crazy? Let us know in the comments below.

Vidit Sood

He's the biggest comic nerd from QB!
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