10 Movie Sequels/Prequels of 2018 That Did Not Live Up To Their Predecessors
2018 has been really big for sequels, prequels and other movies that have carried out the franchise names forward. There are so many sequels which have already released this year, and there is almost half of the year left, and we actually have so many more to come. The reality is that Hollywood is now living off of sequels mostly, but there is good original content out there as well. Since there were so many sequels to come out within 2018, many which have come out either failed or were successful in living up to their previous movies in the franchise. Here is a list of the franchise carriers which failed to excel compared to their predecessors.
1. Insidious: The Last Key
This was the fourth movie in the franchise. The first 2 movies really set the bar very high and then there was a vertical fall in quality and content when the third one came out. Now, the fourth Insidious movie was surely better than the third one, but it was not even half of what the first two chapters of this franchise were, as they are deemed to be among the best horror movies.
2. Maze Runner: The Death Cure
The Maze Runner franchise began in 2014 and presented a really good movie which was thrilling to the very end. The second movie completely shit the bed in order to continue the story and lead to the third one. But the third one followed a similar path that has been followed in the Insidious franchise, as it was better than the third one, but the story did not manage to make the impact that the first movie in the trilogy was able to.
3. Fifty Shades Freed
The first movie in this franchise was bearable, but there was actually a vertical fall from thereon when the second movie came out. It was unbearable, and for the fans who thought that the third one may take the story to a higher level with the build-up, it was a complete disappointment as it felt that the writers really stopped trying! Not even the Kinky-F**kery was working for this franchise anymore.
4. Pacific Rim: Uprising
There were a lot of factors that worked for the first Pacific Movie, but the time jump that actually happened in the movie was not found to be a good thing by the fans. Charlie Hunnam for starters is what the movie was really missing, and the weight that was added by Idris Elba was missing as the two lead stars of the movie were actually the young guns of Hollywood that were not able to pull off what the first two lead stars could. Also, the plot of the movie felt stretched.
5. Deadpool 2
Deadpool 2 was really great and it is surely one of the best Superhero movies of this year but when it comes to comparing it with the first movie, it was not as good as that. It may be as good or better in many people’s opinions but the larger audiences do say that the first Deadpool was better than the second one and the Box Office has proven exactly that.
6. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
The first Jurassic World movie really set a huge standard for this franchise. Fallen Kingdom may actually be considered to be even better than the first movie, but it sure did not live up to the first one when it comes to the Box Office earnings and that is understandable, as it happens with most movie sequels.
7. Solo: Star Wars Story
Solo was not at all a bad movie as it was a good fun time outing, and did explain from where exactly did Han Solo and Chewbacca come and how they were tangled together from there on, but it was surely not the quality of Star Wars movie that we have become used to since 2015. So ultimately, Solo did feel like a major let down.
8. Sicario: A Day of Soldado
The first Sicario movie was an amazing thriller and the trio of Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro and Emily Blunt really lifted what the movie was. The second movie in the franchise was good, but it Emily Bunt’s absence did hurt the movie. It was not bad at all, but the movie was merely a build-up to the third one and nothing more than that.
9. Ocean’s 8
The original Ocean’s trilogy was really remarkable and WB really cashed in well with by continuing the plot from where George Clooney’s Daniel Ocean left it ad his sister, Debbie Ocean continues the plot by telling her own story which was Unique, but similar to the first trilogy. Which is why the new movie was great but not as good as what the original trilogy did.
10. Ant-Man and the Wasp
The first Ant-Man movie was a really great effort as it was not only able to pick up a C-List character from the comics like Ant-Man, but the movie actually made this name really popular and cashed in great profits as well. It was actually a great origin story. A lot was expected from the second movie that Peyton Reed-directed but only turned out to be a fun outing which was not very memorable and surely was not as good as the first one.