
Here’s Everything We Know About Zack Snyder’s Original Justice League 2

The DC Universe is in kind of a weird place at the moment. Justice League was supposed to be great to keep the movies in motion frequently, but even after being a step in the right direction, the movie did not do as well WB would have liked at the Box Office and even with the critics. It has made $656 Million at the worldwide Box office. It was also claimed to be better than Batman V Superman by the critics and the fans absolutely loved it. But since Justice League did not perform as WB expected, and it didn’t even make them a profit, the sequel to the movie may really be dead.

The first movie was already a mess during its production as the director, Zack Snyder had to depart from the movie and Joss Whedon was brought to complete it. Then, later on, things started to unravel about Zack Snyder’s departure, as many reports claimed that Zack Snyder was fired from the movie way before his daughter’s tragic death, and WB used that incident to cover it all up. Zack Snyder’s silence actually proves it all right as he denied doing any sort of press tours or interviews for the movie and he even supported the petition for releasing the Snyder Cut.

As we all know, Justice League was planned as a two-parter, and Zack Snyder had the perfect story and vision set for it in his mind. The second part of Justice League was included in the very first roster of movies that were supposed to come out till 2020. Justice League 2 was slated for a November 2019 release and it would have picked up from the events of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Justice League 1 and other movies that would have lied in between these movies.

Justice League 2 was supposed to begin production right after Justice League 1 would have come out, so just imagine, the actors would have been involved in the production of the movie as of now.  But, after the backlash BvS received, WB soon brought Justice League down to one movie, and when Snyder departed from the movie, they completely altered his vision, or at least many significant points of the movie with the help of Whedon. For this extensive reshoots took place and the narrative of the movie was changed to a great extent.

Justice League even denied the events of BvS in many ways, so Justice League 2 was completely put out of the picture. Snyder had a set vision for it, and he was plotting seeds for Darkseid to come, as he was going to be the big bad of the sequel. The movie would have had some extremely high stakes. Justice League would have introduced Green Lanterns in a proper way instead of the cameo that we got, and Green Lantern would have become one of the core members of the League by the second movie. And that would have brought in Green Lantern Corps.

Snyder recently confirmed Justice League 2 connection in BvS. In the final battle after the death of Superman, we saw Batman, Wonder Woman and Lois mourning Superman’s death, and in the background, we saw 3 crosses which represented 3 deaths, but there were only 2. So we reckon that another character would have died in the sequel of Justice League as hinted by Zack Snyder.

With the League coming into formation properly against Darkseid, it was believed that Batman would have had a big possibility to die in Justice League 2, and this would have given Ben Affleck an exit on a high note, and it would have allowed someone else to take the mantle of Batman in Matt Reeves’ Batman movie. Also, the Knightmare sequence from BvS would have come into play big time, and we would have noticed why Barry returned in time to warn Bruce in the first place. But Justice League denied all that, Snyder possibly got fired, and Justice League 2 is dead because now it has a name which is tainted. Still, Snyder’s original vision would have been something and the fans would have liked it. But unfortunately, we are never going to get to see it.

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Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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