Deadpool was one of the best superhero movies of 2016 and it broke many box office records. The movie earned over $800 million while the cost of production was just $60 million. It became the highest grossing R rated and most successful X-Men movie ever.
The huge success of Deadpool paved the way for a sequel and the entire cast from Blind-Al to Vanessa, the driver, Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead are coming back and more. The biggest additions to the cast are going to be Cable (Josh Brolin) and Domino (Zazie Beetz). They will play anti-heroes who will try to bring balance to ‘happy go murdery’ persona of Deadpool.
Here is what director of Deadpool 2 David Leitch had to say about Cable and Deadpool:
“Cable has a really interesting and complex backstory. Obviously, no film could ever encapsulate the entire backstory, so I think we’ll find the first introduction is about who this character is. When you look at the Cable and Deadpool comic book series, you see how there is banter between them. Whether they are on opposite sides or not, they are definitely formidable to each other. One is frustrating to the other. The chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin is amazing. It’s not unlike what you see in the Cable and Deadpool series”.
He added that he was free to adapt the comic-book character in any creative way he wanted and he has pushed all boundaries for the movie. He said:
“The success of the first film has given us license to explore opening up the world and actually being more provocative. That’s what people are going to expect. They did such an incredible job with the first film — I’m such a huge fan, that it’s exciting to get to play in that sandbox. The fun thing about Deadpool is, there are no rules. Look at the comic book series. There aren’t any rules. We break them! That’s what is fun”.
The new Deadpool 2 ‘Meet Cable’ Teaser has increased the hype for the movie among the fans. It was bagged with a lot of Deadpool goodies, fun references, and Easter Eggs. But the biggest parts of the trailer where Deadpool takes a jab at DC Comics yet again, and this time, he did not even leave the MCU out of it.
In the first movie, Wade Wilson mentioned that fact that he does not want his super suit to be green, or animated. This was a funny poke at the DC Comics movie Green Lantern which Ryan Reynolds himself starred in. This jab was intended specifically to Green Lantern’s suit as in that movie, he had to wear a mo-cap suit while shooting and the suit was made through CGI in the movie. He also made funny references to X-Men Origins Wolverine and his earlier appearance as the close-mouthed Deadpool which everyone hated.
This time, Deadpool is back at it again. In the new trailer, we get a shot at Cable making a dramatic entrance and we notice that his arm is green instead of metal. Then comes in Deadpool’s voice breaking the fourth wall, addressing to the fact that the CGI on Cable’s arm has not fully been done yet. He says, “It’s not like we’re trying to remove a mustache” which was clearly a jab at Henry Cavill’s Superman who had a mustache while he was doing the reshoots for Justice League and they tried to remove it through CG. This jab was to make fun of how quirky Superman looked in the final product of Justice League as the CGI clearly turned Superman into a joke.
Then Deadpool takes not one, but two jabs at the mad titan Thanos, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When Deadpool takes the trailer to a different direction until the CGI on the arm gets fixed, he says, “Oh F*** it, I’ll do it myself” which is a reference to Thanos from the MCU who is also played by Josh Brolin. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thanos appears in the post-credits scene and delivers the line, “Fine, I’ll do it myself”, while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.
He rips off Thanos one more time in the trailer when he is doing the voice over dialogues for the action figures of Cable and Sheriff Deadpool. While the fight scene of the action figures, he says,”Zip it Cable, I got the stones to help you.” and then he shoves Cable’s face into his crotch. This was yet another shot at Thanos who in Infinity War, will collect all the Infinity Stones and will use them against The Avengers.
Besides Thanos and Superman, Deadpool also ripped off Toy Story. The Action Figure of Deadpool in this trailer is wearing a Cowboy outfit, which actually belongs to Sherriff Woody from Toy Story, and he even says the line, “Reach for the sky”, which is what Sherriff Woody also says in Toy Story. So, this entire toy fight scene is a nod at the Toy Story movie.
Also, Deadpool points to the fact about Cable in this trailer, as during the toy scene, Deadpool says that, “You know, you are a lot taller in the…(comics).” In the movie, Cable is played by Josh Brolin who in real is shorter than Ryan Reynolds, and here the action figure of Cable is also shorter than Deadpool’s action figure, and in the comics, Cable is way taller than Deadpool. So, Deadpool takes pokes at his competition throughout the Deadpool 2 trailer. Hopefully, we will get to see more of this in the movie when it comes out.
This is not the first time that Deadpool has trolled people in a teaser trailer. He is the King of Trolls. Recently, in the Marvel comic book titled Spiderman/Deadpool #6, he went to extreme lengths in trolling everyone around him including himself (that’s sporty).
The plot of the comic revolves around Deadpool getting the information that a film is being made based on his life, he goes to Hollywood with his buddy Spider-Man and started blowing the shit out of the producers and crew. He becomes a stuntman in his own movie. Adjacent to the sets, there is a sign-board which is making fun of Ryan Reynolds and called him “a smug Hollywood pretty boy”. He says “Why aren’t I showing my butt more often in this movie? I really want to show my butt!
He trolled Batman v Superman non-stop, he said “None of that made sense, why were they fighting one minute, then best friends the next.” To this Spider-Man replies, “Don’t worry about the scene that set up the next eight movies”. In the end, Hollywood producers ended up making a movie titled Nighthawk v Hyperion: Yawn of Boredom.
The movie Deadpool 2 will come out on May 18, just 2 weeks after Avengers: Infinity War. It is directed by David Leitch and will star Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, Morena Baccarin as Vanessa/Copy Cat, T. J. Miller as Weasel, Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Stefan Kapičić as the voice of Colossus, Zazie Beetz as Neena Thurman / Domino, Josh Brolin as Nathan Summers /Cable and Jack Kesy possibly as Black Tom Cassidy. Also, Terry Crews is playing a mysterious character in the movie.
The scriptwriter of the movie Wernick had this to say about his experiences:
“We never want to let the tail wag the dog. We want to tell the best Deadpool story we can. But I do think we have a responsibility to think about a larger universe in the way that Marvel does and start to put pieces in place. Some of these movies feel overstuffed and almost choking with the need to set up eighteen different things that pay off down the road, and we want to avoid that responsibility to the extent that it hurts us. We want to hint at things, we want to plan some characters, and we want to make some nods, but we’re very, very cognizant about making sure that Deadpool is above all a Deadpool movie.”
Hopefully, we will get one hell of a Deadpool movie after all.
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