Although Spider-Man Homecoming is slated to be the big movie return of the beloved webbed-slinger, Iron Man and all the excess baggage that comes with him seem to be overtaking the main focus of the film. From the formation of Damage Control and even upgrading Spidey’s suit, the Avenger’s work is present everywhere in the film. Tony Stark, of course, has a huge, powerful influence over the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so this overtaking of Spidey’s movie is not a surprising move that Tony Stark makes.
But Stark isn’t the only Iron Man character who will make a comeback in MCU. The website LaineyGossip reported that Gwenyth Paltrow will make a return as Pepper Potts in Spider-Man Homecoming. Pepper Potts was last seen in the film Iron Man 3. After that, her name is mentioned in the films Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. In Civil War, Tony Stark had implied that he had been dumped by Potts.
The return of Potts may be crucial, especially given how Stark has become a political advocate for the Government’s new laws about superhero monitoring. The new formation of Damage Control is a clear sign that Stark is on a path that even his fellow Avengers would never have guessed, but that was always Tony Starks style. Along with being a mentor, Tony may need more support or even realize the selfishness of his past ways. Hence, returning to Potts as a wounded, changed man.
After the first Phase, Marvel’s leading ladies who had seemed so crucial in a hero’s journey started to wane, being replaced by other fellow Marvel heroes or even a huge problems like a threat from a bad guy. It was Marvel’s way of focusing more on their heroes, but characters such as Pepper Potts and Jane Foster have suffered a lot because of it