The character of Wolverine in the movie ‘Logan’ is inspired by “Old Man Logan” story based on a dystopian future where the supervillain Mysterio finally prevailed over Wolverine. The story of Logan is set up in 2029 which is way past 2024, the year mentioned in the epilog scene of X-Men: Days of Future Past. In the movie, Prof. Charles Xavier is still alive and mutants much younger have fallen. In the comics, it’s the post-apocalyptic world dealing with the implications of generations of mutants wiped out by the deadly forces.
The plot of the movie revolves around Logan delivering young Laura/X-23 to the mutant sanctuary called Eden, and he is being consistently chased by the army of cyborgs led by Donald Pierce. In the comics, the Reavers are much deadlier and special instead of just another enhanced soldier.
The movie has opened to a massive start with box-office collections in excess of $500 million till now, making it among the top five R-rated movies. But in the end, Wolverine succumbed to his deep injuries and brought down the curtains to his struggle for a more normal life and a peaceful world.
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In the Marvel comics universe, in 2014, the title ‘The Death of Wolverine’ ended the character for good as Wolverine found himself encased in unbreakable adamantium rock, leaving X-23 (the Clone of Wolverine) as the new Wolverine for the Marvel universe.
But recently, Marvel is teasing the return of a ‘clawed’ superhero but the identity is under wraps. Many fans are saying this could be another Logan family character in disguise, while others are hoping that if it is Wolverine’s son Daken/Akihiro it could be very interesting development. He has the same powers as his father and was critically injured while battling Ms. Sinister. The vacuum left by Wolverine’s death/absence is a perfect space for another clawed hero to be brought in.