James Cameron has established himself as one of the most creative writer/directors of his generation. With films such as Titanic, Avatar, and Alien, Cameron has proved himself to have a masterful stroke when it comes to big budget movies. James Cameron was also responsible for making a superstar out of actor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator movie. He was involved in the first two movies, which have failed to lose popularity even twenty years later. Cameron no only co-wrote both films, he was also a writer and producer on them.
Cameron was not involved in 2003’s Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, 2009 prequel Terminator: Salvation or 2015’s Terminator: Genisys.All three films were received with mixed reviews but did not garner the fervor the first two films did. Even the return of Arnold in Genisys could not save the film from becoming a blockbuster flop. More follow-ups were planned after Genisys, but they had to, unfortunately, be canceled.
Website Deadline may have, however just given a crucial piece of news for Terminator fans. The site reports that James Cameron will make a comeback to the franchise in 2019 when the director regains full ownership of the franchise. And he would not be alone. Deadline also reports that Cameron is already in talks with Deadpool director Tim Miller to helm the new film.
Both Miller and Cameron have similar aesthetics when it comes to their action movies. Cameron’s direction in both Alien and Terminator were a mix of grounded characters in out of the world situations, Miller also applied that similar aesthetic with Deadpool. That being said, will Cameron continue on with the storyline from Genisys or come up with a new arc that ignores what the three films have already dictated?
Cameron has already evolved from his days in Terminator 2, moving to varied stories. His last film Avatar was groundbreaking in its use of graphics. He is already booked for four Avatar franchises, but hopefully, when it comes to the Terminator franchise, he will be able to spark that magic from the past for future films.