Arrow S05: An EPIC Theory About Laurel Lance Which Is Too Good To Be True
The season 4 episode 19th titled “Canary Cry” could be considered as one of the most emotionally charged and heartbreaking episodes in the history of the show. Quentin Lance (Laurel’s father) desperately struggled to come to terms with his daughter’s death and even asked Nysa Al Gul if she could bring her back using the pit, but she told him that she destroyed the pit months ago. There have been many deaths on the show like Tommy Merlyn (friend of Oliver & Laurel’s lover), Moira Queen (Oliver’s mother), Robert Queen (Oliver’s Father), Thea Queen (who was killed by Ra’s Al Gul and then brought back through Lazarus pit), Sara Lance (who was killed by Thea under the influence, later was brought back by the pit and her soul was restored by John Constantine). But Laurel Lance a.k.a Black Canary died a painful death, in fact, her fans felt that her death is based on convenience and that the show didn’t honor her memory.
Well, the show-makers have found a way to protect her legacy by literally resurrecting her. In the mid-season finale of Arrow season 5, suddenly, in the end, Laurel Lance showed up, who was killed by Damien Darhk in the last season. Marc Guggenheim (the show creator) confirmed that it’s neither Flashpoint nor Flashbacks. Many theories starting going around, for instance, both Oliver & Prometheus were trained by the same woman Talia Al Ghul in Russia, Lexa Doig has already been cast for the role and will be seen in flashbacks. Her ties to League of Assassins is not a coincidence, and she may be involved with resurrecting Black Canary.Another theory was maybe her dopple-ganger on Earth-2 ‘Black Siren’ came back to Earth-1 but why would she do that is a topic of discussion.
But now, the summary of episode 10 of season 5 has been leaked online, one credible Reddit thread is claiming that in fact, she was picked up by Sara Lance during her time-travails and was saved by Giddian (the AI). Apparently, Laurel would want to go back to the present timeline, and Sara has found a way to get her back without causing an aberration to the timeline.
At Facebook live, Stephen Amell said “Obviously people don’t just come back from the dead, so there has to be some sort of vetting process to make sure that it is Laurel because the group has seen some peculiar things. We delve into that when we come back in the New Year.” CHEERS!