
The Greatest Superhero Does Exist In CW Universe

It would be a cliché to say that Arrow and Flash are two of the best Superhero TV shows maybe ever. They have ranked in highest ever TRP in the entire CW network, and the hysteria surrounding it is only growing. For the first three seasons, Arrow dealt with the elements of vigilantism and science fused into one another, but in the fourth season, it entered into the world of magic and mysticism. Arrow is a dark, brooding & edgy superhero drama, and to a large extent inspired by Batman lore. The show has used Ra’s Ahl Ghul who is Batman for in comics, Flash, on the other hand, deals with elements of sci-fi and fantasy, it’s more fun and family oriented.


We know that a version of Geoff John’s Flashpoint comic-book storyline is being adapted for Flash Season 3, in DC comics Batman and Wonder Woman are integral parts of the storyline. This raises an important question – Does Batman even exist in CW Superhero verse?

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There have been multiple references to the character of Batman in the different seasons. In the Flash episode when Barry goes to Earth-2 to fight Zoom, at his home’s speed-dial we see various names are mentioned, one of the names is Bruce. In the Legends of Tomorrow, Captain Hunter says “I have seen Men of Steel die and Dark Knights fall.” In Arrow, Felicity is given a code name Overwatch instead of Oracle as it’s supposedly taken.There is also a possibility that several big Batman universe characters to make an appearance in Supergirl season 2 like Kathy Kane/Bat Woman, Barbara Gordon as Oracle etc. and they could likely from Birds of Prey. In fact, she said in the latest episode “My cousin worked with a vigilante once – tons of gadgets, lots of demons.” Well, now we have a definitive answer to the possibility of Batman existence in the CW-verse – Yes, he does.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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