Deadpool was the surprise hit of the year for Fox studios. Ryan Reynolds, the actor who played Deadpool however was not surprised by the movie’s success. The movie was in a stalled state for nearly eleven years, and Reynolds was with the project for every step of the way. So you know that Reynolds had a lot invested in the movie.
The sequel was quickly ordered by Fox after the massive success of the debut film. Unfortunately, director Tim Miller decided to leave the sequel for no other reason but irreconcilable differences. Speculations started about why the director’s sudden departure, many convinced that the Reynolds and Miller could not come to a compromise about how they were to move the project forward with the same mindset. Ryan Reynolds has finally broke his silence about what broke the camel’s back in his interview with GQ magazine:
“Making the movie was very, very difficult. It was the most passionate group of individuals I’ve ever worked with in my life. And for whatever reason, that mercurial crazy burgoo of people is what made this thing work so well, not just because I had this vision and I saw it this way and it had to be this way. It worked because we all had that feeling. But there were vaguely scary fights in the post-production process that escalated quickly. Luckily, everybody’s grown up and at the end of the day enjoys and loves each other.”
From Reynolds statement, we get a definite look into what was really going on behind the scenes. The actor does not seem to bear any ill will against the director. The actor also further discussed how passionate he felt about the films and the character of Deadpool:
“I know when I need to exert control, and I know when I need to let go of it. I’m not gonna go and sit with Tim Miller and say, ‘The visual effects of Deadpool need to be done this way.’ The man is a visual-effects wizard. But there are character and tone things that I know really well. And I’ve also been with this thing the longest out of anybody, aside from the guys that wrote the comics. Eleven years I’ve been trying to get this Sisyphus rock up the hill, and it kept rolling back on top of me. So I’m gonna be all the fuck over it from the moment it starts to the moment it finishes.”