So, you have always seen a list of movies that will scare the hell out of you. What’s new about this list? Well, these are the movies that never got their share of fame because of one reason or the other. But one thing is sure, you can’t dare to watch them alone.
Take a look at these 5 Movies of 20th Cent that can scare the Hell Out Of YOU
1) ‘The Blood on Satan’s Claw’
This movie is about a group of teens in England who found a fur-covered skull buried in a field. This skull eventually became the centerpiece for bizarre rituals. This movie will definitely scare the hell out of you. You dare not watch it alone.
2) ‘Dracula’
This one is a beautiful or probably horrifyingly beautiful adaptation of the famous Bram Stoker novel, starring Frank Langella(as the Count of Darkness), Laurence Olivier(as Van Helsing), Donald Pleasance(as Renfield), and Kate Nelligan(as Lucy). Watch this movie alone if you have the guts to do so.
3) ‘The Changeling’
This movie is about a man who has lost his wife and daughter in a tragic accident. He then relocates to Seattle and tats where everything begins to change. He rents a ghostly old Victorian house which (by default) is haunted by the ghost of a murdered young boy. Eventually, the ghost makes his presence known in ways that are definitely scared. Well, yes that’s scary and you better check that out.
4) ‘The Dead Zone’
This story revolves around a man (Christopher Walken) who awakens from a long coma and he gets this power to read minds. He is forced to act when a vision shows him that a radical politician (Martin Sheen) must never become president. This movie is directed by David Cronenberg.
5) ‘The Hunger’
Now, this one is a vampire movie yet it has style to it. This movie shows Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie as a pair of vampire lovers who meet a Doctor to cure their concern of rapid aging. You gotta watch the movie know why you shouldn’t be watching it alone.