DCEU’s Suicide Squad was recently in the news for reaching the $700 million dollar mark at the box office. This is a good sign for the movie as it could lead to a potential sequel. Suicide Squad was initially panned by critics and early reviewers for not living up to the hype but the film broke through all that negativity and became a victor for DCEU. Many of the Squad members-Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Joker to name a few- were already fan favorites found a new audience who fell in love with them and lesser known baddies like Killer Croc and Enchantress were introduced.
Talks of a Suicide Squad sequel has already gotten one of the Squad members excited. Actress Karen Fukuhara who plays Katana recently spoke on a panel during the Rose City Comic Con and was asked about her character and the potentials for a sequel:
“For the first movie I think we did a really good job of showing snippets of each character’s past and history, but it was just a glimpse. And for the sequel I’d like to show a lot more about her relationship with Soultaker, her sword, and her relationship with her husband and where she came from.”
Katana was one of the characters who did not get as much screen time as her other co-stars in the film. And although Rick Flag explained her relationship with her sword, there were no flashbacks of her origins.Katana was also Colonel Rick Flag’s bodyguard who was not an outright baddie but had a tempestuous history dealing with
Katana was one of the characters who did not get as much screen time as her other co-stars in the film. And although Rick Flag explained her relationship with her sword, there were no flashbacks of her origins. Katana was also Colonel Rick Flag’s bodyguard who was not an outright baddie but had a tempestuous history dealing with a vengeance which was never fully elaborated on in the film.
It is an understandable situation for the filmmaker David Ayer who had to condense and sacrifice many of the minor characters stories to focus on the more important characters. This was also the criticism received by the film as audiences were curious about each member of the Squad members.And if a sequel does happen, we will hopefully get a deeper knowledge of each character and why they are what they are.