
Arrow S05: This Is How Katie Cassidy Will Return To Star City

The Arrow season 4 was one of the most emotionally charged and heart-breaking in the history of the show. There have been many deaths on the show – Tommy Merlyn (friend of Oliver & Laurel’s lover), Moira Queen (Oliver’s mother), Robert Queen (Oliver’s Father), Thea Queen (who was killed by Ra’s Al Gul and then brought back through Lazarus pit), Sara Lance (who was killed by Thea under the influence, later was brought back by the pit and her soul was restored by John Constantine). But Laurel Lance a.k.a Black Canary died a painful death and consumed everyone with grief. In fact, a new character called Evelyn Sharp (it’s Evelyn Crawford in DC Comics) donned the mantle of Black Canary in order to take revenge from Damien Darhk and Ruve Darhk for the murder of her family in the episode titled “Canary Cry”.


Greg Berlanti (executive producer) said in May “What it really emulates to us is the comic books themselves, where there really are a cast of characters. In success, we hope to continue with other characters finding their way across all the shows.”In June, John Barrowman (Malcolm Merlyn) and Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold) were offered a contract wherein they will be given a series regular status across all the CW/DC superhero shows like Flash, Legends of Tomorrow etc. Katie Cassidy joined the CW/DC bandwagon and will appear across the spectrum of shows.


But how will she appear if she is dead? The best way to bring someone back is Lazarus pit, Captain Lance (father of Laurel Lance) did beg Nysa Al Ghul to resurrect her using the Lazarus pit, but she had destroyed the well after getting rid of Malcolm Merlyn. Marc Guggenheim (the show creator) confirmed that it’s neither Flashpoint nor Flashbacks. Well, then there is just one way to see Katie Cassidy onscreen, the show-makers have revealed that her doppler-ganger on Earth-2 ‘Black Siren’ will make a comeback into the show during the 4-night DC crossover event.

Katie Cassidy

Arrow season 5 will premiere on Oct 5, Wednesdays on the CW network at 8:00 p.m.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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