10 Things to know Before you Backpack
If you are a traveler or wanting to travel, there are a few things you need to know. Here is the list:
Travel light:
When traveling, you should always travel light. You need to carry that bag with you everywhere and you never know how much you need to walk.
Read about the place:
Try to get as much information as you can about the place you are going to. Things like the food, culture, crime rate, etc. Try to gather every bit of information which would help you in the trip.
Try to learn the local language:
Well, if you feel that you would get wired reactions if you try to speak the local language, you are wrong. People appreciate the fact that you are trying to speak their language and would surely talk to you or help you.
P.S: Do try the accent as well!
Know all the spots you want to see:
Read about everything you want to see. Know about all the spots you want to visit. Read about their history, how to reach, entry fee, entry timings, etc. This will help you in fitting a particular spot in your itinerary.
Don’t plan too much:
Try not to plan too much and too hectic. Have a high-level plan of what you want to see and how much you can cover in a day. But don’t go overboard with it. One suggestion would be to spend more time in a place instead of rushing to hit all the spots on the list.
Make mindset to travel alone:
Even if you are in a group, make up your mind to travel alone. As there may be some place which you want to see and no one else in the group is interested. Don’t ever miss the opportunity to visit that place even if you have to go alone. Also, if you want to go to some country/city and no one is interested, you can travel alone! (It’s one of the best experiences).
Get a good backpack:
Invest in a backpack with more pockets, zips and space. Look for s sturdy backpack!
An “out-of-the-track” suggestion. Before going to some place, invest some time in exercising. It may be running, jogging, walking or other exercises. This is to increase your stamina a little so that you could enjoy your trip more. (It may feel stupid, but works!).
Don’t have the “last moment rush”:
If you are planning to go somewhere, don’t keep things to the last moment. Even the most unimportant thing like packing your bag (just kidding) should be done beforehand. This would ensure that everything is in place and your trip would go smooth.
Sort out all the necessary stuff:
If you are travelling to some foreign land, you need to increase your to-do list further. Your credit/debit cards, international roaming plans, visas, etc. should be in place.
One of the best things to do in your life is to travel. Do it whenever you get a chance.