Quick Guide for Exams
So, it’s that time of the year again: the sword of exams dangling over our heads. But the strategy these days is not to work hard, but work smart! At this time usually, all of us are either running through the syllabus or running through our course books and in some rare cases, running through our fifth revision. Well, fret not. Because here is a compiled to-do list you need to follow if exams are getting the sweat out of you.
Chart out a proper plan
First thing you need is a plan. Draw out a list of your syllabus and the days you have to finish them. Then neatly and systematically divide the tasks into your schedule. This will not only ease out the learning process but also prepare you to deal with any shortcomings.
Do away with distractions:
Keep away from everything that disturbs you – cell phone, laptop, i-pod – everything. Choose a place that is free of noise like the library or a park or your home and where you are not likely to run into any of your friends or acquaintances. Also, keep yourself equipped with water and some light snacks along with your books and stationary to ensure that your work gets your undivided attention.
Take proper breaks:
It is futile to absorb large chunks of your course in one sitting. Make sure that you take a little break after every 30 minutes where you walk a little for 5 minutes or pick up the newspaper or a novel for a light reading. This way, your mind will relax and you can work more efficiently.
Write, write and write again:
You have to write in your paper. So, it isn’t much help if mug up the stuff and vomit it out on the answer scripts. Presentation is a huge factor in enhancing the quality of the paper. If you fall back on the presentation aspect, the content will not be much noticed.
Previous years’ papers:
It is always helpful if you have a glance at the papers previously set by the university because there is a good chance that questions might be repeated. And a good preparation beforehand always works wonders!
So, these are some of the basic steps you need to take if you are a little behind with your syllabus. Of course, consistent revision is key but with these shortcuts, you can come off a lot better in a matter of just days. Good luck!