“The idea of music is to liberate the listener and lead him to a frame where he feels he is elevated” – A.R. Rahman
What are the ways of attaining peace and happiness?
No doubt that there are so many but one of those so many and the most important one is Music. People from centuries have claimed that music is a divine practice. So why not talk some about music and one of the precious gift of India.
“The Mozart of Madras”, a singer, songwriter, composer, music director and what not. Yes, I’m talking about our very own A.R. Rahman. He is a legend, from a very early age he started assisting his father on keyboard and the rest is history. He plays the chords of heart with immense beauty and tenderness that every body has to respond. A sensation so pure that mind goes into a deep realm of tranquility and from eyes to lips, all work in harmony. But lets just not get deeply philosophical and take a look at his new jewel.
TAMASHA, the colourful heartthrob. It has Ranbir, Deepika and A.R. Rahman and Imtiaz ,what else one would desire. A complete package of good acting and music and of course the perfect location of France where half of the film has been shot. But that all has been said and of course it would be delivered but for now lets talk about our “Mozart’s Tamasha”.
Immensely cheerful and lively music of Tamasha makes it Rahman’s jewel. It has the presence of foot tapping to soul trenching music. Melodius, harmonic, pure, beautiful… there can be lot more for it but its liveliness is beyond all measures. let me make it easier to an extent. Missing someone special then listen to Tum Sath Ho, want to dance then just tap your feet on Matargashti, want to travel somewhere with the best company then what would be better that Safarnama and the list goes on and on. Rahman always comes up with something unexpected but this time its a package( not like he never deliveredone, of course he did). Dance,cry,smile,laugh,explore and get lost only and only in Tamasha of Rahman’s creation!
With one of the best music composer of world, best singers like Alka Yagnik, Arijit Singh, Lucky Ali there are no factors to ignore this movie but only more magnets to attract you to theaters.
So lets get the essence of the movie through this amazing piece: