5 Most Amazing Moments from Gotham Season 2 Episode 4
[tps_header]The new episode of Gotham titled “Strike Force” took the show into interesting direction. Theo Galavan, the super rich businessman is gaining clout in the city of Gotham, a new leadership is there at the Gotham police force and for the first time Penguin – King of Gotham is feeling intimidated. Here are the top 5 WTF moments from the episode:[/tps_header]
[tps_title]Meet Captain Barnes: [/tps_title]
After the death of Commissioner Essen in the deadly shoot-out orchestrated by the group called “The Maniacs” assembled by Theo Galavant to terrorize Gotham. A new leader Captain Barnes is sent to take the charge of GCPD in the aftermath of the tragedy. He is committed to rebuild the Gotham police force and prevent state of lawlessness which is ripping the city apart.