How Doctor Strange 2 Explained This WandaVision Easter Egg
It’s been almost two months since Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness came out, and the new surprises still keep coming. This goes to show how much effort the filmmakers put into these movies. Especially how much effort they put in setting up things for the future. It is so interesting to see a background easter egg that seems like a throwaway line manifest into something big. So check out how this almost-insignificant WandaVision easter egg foreshadowed Wanda’s actions in the new Doctor Strange movie.
Disney+’s WandaVision premiered in January 2021, more than a year before Doctor Strange 2 came out. This is the first Disney+ series to have a direct tie to the movies. This series featured how Wanda manifested a fake reality to cope with her grief of losing Vision and the life they could have had. Out of anger, grief, and pain, she manifested a reality where she lived through all the sitcoms she loved growing up, with Vision. While these bits of sitcoms were playing out, little advertisements for products from previous MCU projects continued to air on the TV. For instance, we saw an ad for a toaster from Stark Industries. Another ad featured an anti-depressant, called Nexus. Many thought of it to be an insignificant easter egg that was a nod to the Nexus World Internet Hub. This is the same Hub we saw Tony Stark go in to look for Ultron. However, little did we know, it was a direct nod to what Wanda will go and do after WandaVsion, that is, in the Doctor Strange movie.
The Easter egg in question is the one about the anti-depressant called the Nexus. What’s interesting about this ad was the things it said. Here is everything the advertiser said in the show-
“Feeling depressed? Like the world goes on without you? Do you just want to be left alone? Ask your doctor about Nexus. A unique anti-depressant that works to anchor you back to your reality. Or the reality of your choice.
Side effects include feeling your feelings, comforting your truth, seizing your destiny, and possibly, more depression. You should not take Nexus unless your doctor has cleared you to move on with your life.
Nexus, because the world doesn’t revolve around you. Or does it?”
Now, read everything you know about the new Doctor Strange movie carefully. The movie sees the antagonist go after America Chavez for her powers to go about the multiverse. Now MCU’s America Chavez is what the comics define as a Nexus being. These beings are one-of-a-kind and the variants of these characters don’t exist in the multiverse. MCU hadn’t followed the comics’ Nexus order before they introduced America Chavez.
Focus on these group of words, “A unique anti-depressant that works to anchor you back to your reality. Or the reality of your choice.” Wanda wants to go to a reality where she can have a real family. And according to her and this ad, the way to go is through a Nexus being! So, this foreshadowed the entire Doctor Strange 2 movie before it even came out! This is the level of planning that MCU is known for.
Wanda’s manifested Hex did whatever she wanted to do. Nothing happened without a reason. So, how did an ad aired on the television that foreshadows such a big event that hasn’t been even planned yet? Does this mean that Wanda could predict the future if she wants to? Does this make her even stronger than she already is?! What more we don’t understand is if this ad is for Wanda or for the viewers? Because if it was for Wanda, this must be the point where she decided to change her reality, all on her own. Which she does after she gets a good, real look in the Darkhold.
There is one more possibility as to how things could have been unfolded during the Hex. It was “Agatha All Along.” Because a person who can kill a dog can do anything! She could have been the one to point Wanda in the direction of the Multiverse by creating this commercial. Or this could have been a bit to tease her that she can not create her own reality because it will always be fake. But when Wanda got her hands on the Darkhold, she knew that if she can’t create her own reality, she can, at least, go into a reality where everything she wants is there for her.
May it be anything, this will always be considered the first time Marvel teased America Chavez in the MCU. What do you think about this WandaVision easter egg? Do let us know in the comments section below.
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