How Hercules Can Debut In Thor 4? Explained
With Doctor Strange 2 out of the way, fans have now set their eyes on the MCU’s next big thing- Thor: Love and Thunder. The movie will introduce a whole new array of characters, most of whom we don’t even know. With the movie currently in the marketing process, the Studios have been releasing snapshots from the movie. And after the release of this picture, we think that the possibility of Hercules’ debut in Thor: Love and Thunder have gone significantly high. Check out the post to find out how Hercules can debut in Thor 4.
Thor: Love and Thunder will follow the newly redeemed character of Thor(Chris Hemsworth) in his next big adventure. Since the events of Avengers: Endgame, Thor has been off-planet, so the majority of this movie will feature him wandering the outer space. And somewhere between all those fun-filled adventures, we might see him come across the Olympians. Olympians are the next-in-line divine beings who will debut in the MCU in this film. The film has already revealed that Russel Crowe will play the King of the Olympians, Zeus, the God of the Sky. So it may not be a hard reach if we think that this movie might feature his half-son Hercules too.
Firstly, the introduction of the Olympians from the Greek Mythology is a long time coming. MCU has been following the Norse mythology for more than a decade now. And then we finally got the Egyptian ones in Disney+’s Moon Knight. And now we are finally getting the most-awaited ones in Thor: Love and Thunder. Also, the set images have revealed that this movie will not just tease the Gods but feature them in a bigger role. And yes, ‘them’ means more than one! And you know what that means- HERCULES!
Set images had already revealed the presence of multiple Grek Gods, considering that we only knew of Zeus at the time. Through Moon Knight, the MCU revealed their vision for the Gods. In the MCU, a God is just as real as any of us but possesses some otherworldly powers. By showing Marc and Steven go through an afterlife, they also revealed that, unlike in the real world, MCU has a unified afterlife too. Plus, they might have even teased that these Gods hold meetings too, though that is one big reach. In the photo above, we can see Zeus holding a meeting with a large crowd that could be the Gods.
In another photo, we can see Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie and Natalie Portman’s Mighty Thor in their battle armor. And alongside them, we can see the first physical manifestation of the Wakandan Goddess of Bastet, aka Bast. Now, with all the power the Gods possess, their ego is a package deal. This ego has been featured in many mythological stories as well. And adding to them, the hatred of some gods towards the others because of the nature of their power. But seeing them sitting together in one meeting might imply the effects of Gorr the God Butcher’s rampage. And by its looks, this meeting is taking place in the great Olympus!
If you know your mythology, you know what this place entails. The Olympus is the great palace of the Greek Gods with the main throne belonging to Zeus. Zeus has been known to father a lot of children that grew up with Godly powers. But none of those kids is near as recognized as Hercules. He inherited God-like strength, superseded, muscles of steel, and immortality from his father. In the Marvel comics lore, Hercules joined the Avengers on more than one occasion and proved to be a vital part of the team. Ever since Marvel introduced Thor from the Norse mythology, fans had been waiting for the Greeks, vis-a-vis Hercules.
What makes this movie perfect for Hercules to debut, you ask? First of all, after Doctor Strange 2, we know that the multiverse is open to all and every possibility. So this could lead to them introducing a whole bunch of new characters with short-lived roles(to prevent things from going out of control) but keep the good ones forever, namely Hercules. And if what we think is going to happen in the upcoming movies, MCU is gonna need those ‘good ones’ characters.
What other ways do you think of how Hercules can debut in Thor 4? Do let us know in the comments section. Also, let us know who do you want to see as Hercules in the MCU?
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