WandaVision Theory: Ultron Is Disguised In Plain Sight
In the past few weeks, Marvel’s latest television series arc has become the topic of debate on Twitter. With the role out of the 6th Episode, the WandaVision arc seems to be gaining momentum and might soon showcase the puppet master in full display. The series revolves around the post Endgame events which see the Avengers take a heavy hit in the form of people who are killed by Thanos or the events which lead to the Endgame conclusion.
Fans of Marvel witnessed the loss of several Marvel Cinematic Universe characters starting from Loki, Heimdall, Gamora, Vision, Odin, and the most heart-wrenching loss was of Tony Stark aka Iron Man. The events unfold after the Endgame where we see Wanda creating a reality-altering dome in the shape of a Hex to recreate a world with the love of her life Vision, who seems to be very much alive and kicking in this alternate reality.
The plot revolves around a parallel reality similar to what Wanda would have wanted after the events of the Endgame, which was a family life with Vision and maybe someday even have children. After Vision was killed by Thanos, this dream of Wanda could never have been accomplished. But, in a weird twist, we are shown that the Director Tyler Hayward of the Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D) is shown to break down vision’s corpse with the intent of studying the body and Wanda breaking into the facility and taking away Vision’s body from the secret facility at the Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D) base with her to keep his body safe.
It was always Vision’s plea that if he were ever to die or be destroyed, may his body never become the means of making weapons of mass destruction. A will which we firmly believe Wanda was already aware of and was trying to keep away from the clutches of Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D).
Maria Rambeau may have been the founder of Sentient World Observation and Response Department (S.W.O.R.D), but post her demise and in the absence of Monica Rambeau, and shifted his attention towards Artificial intelligence. We believe he plans on resurrecting an army of sentients, which is somewhat similar to Tony’s dream of putting armor around the world. The only difference is this time Director Tyler Hayward does not wish to employ these machines with the human touch, but rather give them their sense of reasoning the same way that Vision had. Director Tyler Hayward’s interest is completely focused on taking out Wanda and getting his hands on Vision’s corpse. What the director fails to realize that even if Wanda is taken down for the moment, Wanda’s recreation of Vision will cease to exist as Wanda would have already worked her Hex magic on vision’s body which will disintegrate on its own if Vision’s body were ever to leave the realm of the Hex or if something was to happen to Wanda herself and the dome is brought down by any external influence.
A recent tweet on Twitter made by the user @jayspatrol suggested the return of Ultron in a comical way. The user suggested that the reason the Director wants Vision’s body is because, in some weird way, Ultron the antagonist from the Age of Ultron movie has returned in human form and wants to get vision back in his possession. Explaining the reason why Director Tyler Hayward authorized the examination of Vision’s body and wants to get the corpse back intact in one piece. Director’s motive has already proved far too sinister to be shrugged off as a mere coincidence. The theory brings into light many possible clauses that may further deepen the theory if this was to be true. The theory no matter how reprovingly vague may give credit to the current storyline of the series and could be the possible foundational narrative plot for all the series to come.
If the so-called theory is taken into consideration, there might be a high chance that Ultron would want to get back into Stark’s server to reengage the production of his army of Ultron with vision’s physical blueprint at the heart of the whole army. The latter theory seems a far-fetched possibility, but we have seen Ultron take on human form in the DisneyHD animated version of ‘Avengers Assemble’ and Ultron’s desire of having a human body in the movie ‘Age of Ultron’.