Hawkeye Set Photos Hint At Clint Barton’s Hearing Loss
Disney+ Hawkeye series is one of the biggest movements this year and fans are particularly excited for this because they’ve asked for this for a long time and now they’re finally getting it.
Hawkeye from the last decade has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a sidekick to the lead or the second starring character. Hawkeye’s depiction of being the secondary starring character is going to change with Phase 4 as Renner is set to star in a Disney+ Hawkeye series in which he’s being accompanied by Kate Bishop. After months of unpredictability, the show finally has begun with the production recently and we will get to see Hailee Steinfeld as the new face of MCU’s Hawkeye character.
Here’re some photos from the set of Hawkeye series unfolds Clint Barton aka Hawkeye with a hearing aid, showcasing the character’s deaf storyline in the movie.
Hawkeye’s entire development has clearly showcased the influence of Matt Fraction’s comic series that started in 2012. It is particularly clear that Marvel Studios is extracting heavily from one of the highly praised Hawkeye’s storylines in Marvel history. The 22nd issue of the Hawkeye series by Fraction is one of the most critically acclaimed to be one of the best Hawkeye comics. Published on July 15 2015 Issue 22nd has the most influence on updating the Hawkeye’s character. Even the all-time fan favorite Pizza Dog was introduced to Clint Barton’s life accompanied by remitting the hearing loss into the character’s life. Kate Bishop and Pizza dog’s appearance were confirmed earlier and now Jeremy Renner wearing the hearing aid revealed the story addition about the character’s hearing loss too.
Hawkeye’s Day 1 of the production in Brooklyn, New York has brought attention to the many curious MCU fan on the internet. Many photos and videos with the latest updates about the set have surfaced on the internet. From blurry to HD and from Steinfeld being on the set to Renner wearing a hearing aid. A specific batch of HD pictures surfaced on the internet which later revealed a detailed look at Baron’s next appearance in the MCU movie and Renner with a hearing aid after being enlarged.
Hawkeye’s hearing loss was introduced by Marvel Comics several times way before Fraction wrote Hawkeye (2012-2015), with the aspect of the character the stories written by Fraction didn’t put a lasting impression. Hawkeye at first lost his hearing ability during a battle with Crossfire and several years later after being resurrected Hawkeye gained the ability to hear. Later Fraction decided to withdraw the ability to hear from the character’s life via a battle between Barton and The Clown. Forwarding towards The Clown stabbing Hawkeye’s ears using his own arrow concluded Hawkeye to lose his ability to hear one more time. Till the time Tony Stark didn’t create a hearing aid for Hawkeye he stayed entirely deaf till then. Fraction also showcased how Clint’s father abused him during his early times as a child which lead him to be partially deaf.
With Hawkeye inclining so vigorously on Fraction’s 2015 issued 22nd comic, it isn’t too astounding to even consider seeing this improvement for the lead character Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. To explain the use of a hearing aid Marvel Studios could keep somewhat of a relatable story, but on the other hand, it’s conceivable that the story will be refreshed to fit the MCU. Regardless, the expansion of this piece of Barton’s character will satisfy many. His hearing misfortune has become a major piece of Hawkeye’s story in the funnies because of Fraction’s simply laid Issue 22nd considering it was loved by the audience, and to assure the affection for the character many have called and required the MCU to make Hawkeye hard of hearing. It will likewise be another illustration of Marvel adding more evocation or easy to say- Marvel’s attention to detail. Lauren Ridloff playing Makkari’s Character in Eternals as the first deaf superhero and now Hawkeye pushing forward calls for a spotlight for The Heroes with Disability.
Jeremy Renner is set to make a big move with this series and Hawkeye will not only be known as an Avenger but as a hero that will definitely save the day.