Zack Snyder’s Justice League will have plenty of story elements coming into play in its 4-hour runtime. Joss Whedon did not use the Knightmare future, Green Lantern(s), Darkseid, DeSaad, most of the Atlanteans, Martian Manhunter, Ryan Choi, and the Joker. But there was another element which didn’t transition from Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice to Justice League, and it was of Robin. But Snyder has promised that there is a Robin Easter Egg in the upcoming Justice League.
The visionary director recently spoke with TheFilmJunkee on a recent YouTube Podcast, and here’s what he had to say:
“There’s a Robin line like…there’s a Robin Easter egg in Justice League. That, I think you’ll have to wait and see. I can’t say exactly.
Would there be a plan to have more Robin? In whatever future story? There would be.
I mean to me, the way you do a Robin story in the Justice League universe with Batman is like, drinking and remembering, and we see what happened. We understand who Robin was to him and we get to experience what was the circumstances for the Joker and Robin coming together.”
So clearly, Robin was a huge part of Batman’s past. Snyder talked about how this dead Robin was actually Dick Grayson and not Jason Todd. The reason he chose Dick was because he was the first Robin, and losing him had a huge impact on Bruce’s naivete, and his faith in humanity. That’s why Bruce really turned into this darker & broken vigilante after what Joker did to Robin. He considers himself to be responsible for the loss of his former partner. That’s why Batman’s murderous attributes are understandable after knowing this.
Another amazing detail about Robin comes from the Instagram. A recent post mentioned:
“Robin, started with the cannibalized stunt bat suit. Snipped, nipped, trimmed and tucked. A Robin suit was in there. Wrapped on a special fiberglass form to enhance his anatomy. More to come”
You could clearly see how the Bat-symbol has been removed from the Robin costume in the aforementioned Instagram post. The old Bat-suit was reworked into the Robin suit. There’s an interesting theory going around the internet which states that the Joker actually murdered Robin, and then burnt him within the Wayne Manor. That’s why the Robin suit look so worn out, battle ridden and burnt. That’s also why the Wayne Manor looked like it was abandoned like a century ago. This is a theory that was liked by Zack Snyder. So, it could actually come true.
Maybe the Joker scene in Zack Snyder’s Justice League will set up Ben Affleck’s solo Batman series on HBO Max. That’s where this horrific past of Robin could be explored. But this series will only be a thing if Zack Snyder’s Justice League turns out to be a profitable venture.
If the Snyder Cut really helps Warner Bros. make a bit of revenue, then we can be certain that it will lead to everything we’ve always wanted. The Justice League sequels will be fast-tracked, the Batfleck project will happen, and even Man of Steel 2 will be green lit. So, let’s wait and see how it turns out. For now, we’re excited about the new trailer of Zack Snyder’s Justice League which is going to hit the internet real soon. Maybe by the time you read this article, the trailer would already be out.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League arrives next year.