Newly Discovered Fly Species Named After Marvel Characters:
Marvel & MCU have really become the biggest pop culture phenomenon. The characters of the Marvel universe have become so iconic now that CSIRO Scientists who have recently discovered new species of insects & other living creatures in Australia have named 4 of them after Marvel characters. Apart from the characters, they also paid homage to the creator of Marvel characters as one of the 165 newly discovered species has been named after Stan Lee.
CSIRO entomologist Dr Bryan Lessard aka ‘Bry the Fly Guy’ stated the importance of naming the newly found species. He said:
“Deadpool fly is an assassin with markings on its back that resembles Deadpool’s mask. We chose the name Humorolethalis sergius. It sounds like lethal humour and is derived from the Latin words humorosus, meaning wet or moist, and lethalis meaning dead.”
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) explained why the following 5 fly species have been named after Marvel Universe characters and Stan the Man:
“- Stan Lee’s fly is Daptolestes leei and shares his characteristic sunglasses and white moustache
– Thor’s fly is Daptolestes bronteflavus, meaning blond thunder
– Loki’s fly is Daptolestes illusiolautus, meaning elegant deception
– Black Widow’s fly is Daptolestes feminategus, meaning woman wearing leather
– Deadpool’s fly is Humorolethalis sergius, from the Latin for wet or moist, and dead, and shares his mask markings.”
Apart from these Marvel-related species, CSIRO scientists also gave names to 151 new insects (including the Marvel flies), 1 new mite living on a Lizard, 8 new plants, 2 new fish & 3 new subspecies of birds. CSIRO bee and wasp expert Dr. Juanita Rodriguez stated how naming these new found species was a fun & necessary task as it allowed them to differentiate between several living creatures. She said:
“We discovered a new species of spider wasp that is only found in an area badly impacted by bushfires this summer, so now we can carefully monitor its recovery. Spider wasps have venom that could be useful for treating Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy, but most Australian spider wasp species are unknown to science.”
Learning about nature is absolutely amazing. Apparently, it becomes even more interesting when beings around us are named after our favorite Marvel characters.