Ezra Miller’s Cameo on Arrowverse Crisis Sets Up His ‘The Flash’ Movie
Crisis on Infinite Earths may’ve been disappointing on the part of storytelling, but what saved it were the tons of Easter Eggs and the amazing well thought out cameos that happened through the 5 episodes. Almost all the cameos were amazing. With the Multiverse concept, the Arrowverse was able to connect even the animated Batman’s world. Moreover, the crossover went on to connect different films and TV worlds. But everyone would agree to the fact that Ezra Miller’s Cameo on Arrowverse as The Flash was a genius move!
We loved Kevin Conroy on the show. We loved the way Lucifer was brought into the picture. Even connections to the worlds of Adam West’s Batman, Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern and Brandon Routh’s Superman Returns were fantabulous. But, the link with the DCEU was made in the best way possible! A few months back, we heard that Crisis would connect to the DCEU in some way or the other. Rumors suggested that used footage from the DCEU films would be reused. But then we got a fresh cameo from Ezra Miller.
This cameo was added later on as Ezra Miller was brought on set to shoot a special cameo with Grant Gustin. WB boss ordered this cameo and it was indeed special. The thought of seeing Ezra Miller & Grant Gustin together on screen has crossed almost every DC fan’s minds and WB made it happen. This was DC’s own multiverse Spider-Man moment. Here’s the cameo, if you’ve still not seen it:
Now why is this a genius move? It’s because this cameo wasn’t just for fun. Since the Flash (Miller) is connected to the speed force, he was actually able to exist outside of the physical world as well. And this cameo actually teases the fact that Ezra Miller’s Flash needs to learn a lot about the Speed Force, Time Travel & the Multiverse. In fact the cameo actually gives Barry (Miller) the idea of his superhero persona, i.e. “The Flash”.
Barry wasn’t named the Flash in Justice League. And, now that we know about the upcoming Flash movie finally being under development, Barry learns about his Flash title from his cameo, and that’s how it might stick. Moreover, we heard Barry being completely clueless about what was going on. This adventure that he has had with the Flash of another world would actually lead him to discover about the Multiverse, and time travel. The cameo might even lead to a change of suit for Ezra Miller.
Director Andy Muschietti told to ThatHashtagShow that we will be seeing a “different version of Flashpoint than you’re expecting.” So, the upcoming Flash movie is going to involve Flashpoint in a way that we won’t predict. Just like the Crisis event has somehow united the Earths of The Flash & Supergirl in the Arrowverse, the Flashpoint event might somehow connect Matt Reeves’ Batman world to the DCEU. That would allow for Robert Pattinson’s Batman to appear in the DCEU without Ben Affleck’s Batman being involved in the future stories. But given that Matt Reeves might want to keep his Batman world separate, we have to take this assumption as a grain of salt.
The Flash might turn out to be the best Superhero film of 2022. Since Andy Muschietti is a horror director, people assumed that he’d add horror elements like James Wan did with the Trench in the Aquaman movie. In a previous interview, here’s what Muschietti had to say:
“An element of horror? I don’t think so. What captivated me about the Flash is the human drama in it. The human feelings and emotions that play in the drama [of it]. It’s going to be fun, too. I can’t promise that there will be any horror [elements in it], really, but it’s a beautiful human story.”
Here’s the slate of upcoming DC Films – Birds of Prey & Wonder Woman 1984 will cover 2020. In 2021, Matt Reeves’ The Batman arrives in June. Following that we have The Suicide Squad & Black Adam in August and December respectively. In 2022, Shazam! 2 comes out in April. The Flash will hit the theatres on July 1, and Aquaman 2 will release in December. And 2023 could possibly bring us a sequel to Joker, a Green Lantern movie and possibly a new Superman film. Let’s see what happens.