Avengers: Endgame – An Interesting Detail About Black Widow Has Been Spotted
Avengers: Endgame was the film that ended the character arcs of at least 3 OG Avengers. The team is done and now new blood will take their place. But with them being gone, we’re all left pretty emotional. Saving the Universe was a team effort but the utmost credit goes to the likes of Black Widow and Iron Man as they made the biggest sacrifices of all. But we just have to give it to the writers as they’ve managed to develop all the characters so well.
Black Widow, in particular, we have seen her grow so much as a character. Going from a lone ranger to becoming the leader of the team and looking after them as her own family. It was just so great to see her entire run. The only thing that we’ve not seen is her darker past, and that’s what the solo film is going to be all about.
All the films have been dropping certain hints about Black Widow’s solo movie as it sure is going to be an origin story. Avengers 1 set it up as it teased her darker past. Age of Ultron built upon it by actually showing us her upbringing that turned her into the Assassin she is. Now Endgame dropped little hints of what might follow, and that’s exactly why 2020 becomes the perfect time to release the solo Black Widow movie.
A new detail from Avengers: Endgame that has been brought to light by a Marvel fan tells us that what we missed in the theatres was a pair of ballet slippers sitting next to Black Widow in her office at the Avengers compound. It can be seen right when she holds a board meeting, taking Intel from all across the Galaxy right before Steve comes in to check upon her. This shows that she surely hasn’t forgotten her roots, and she’s still dancing, years after the snap.
Now, this is a great addition to her characterization but along with this, Endgame also brought up Budapest again. All this does hint at the fact that the upcoming solo movie will deal with Widow’s dark origins and it will show us how she met Clint and more importantly, what exactly happened in Budapest!
It’s interesting to note that Black Widow’s relation to her past was dialed down by just showing us the ballet shoes but the early drafts of Endgame would have brought a different aspect as she would have been doing something entirely different in those 5 years post the Snap. The directors Joe & Anthony Russo explained that the 5 year time jump would have developed her character as a teacher who dedicated her time to educating children.
Here’s what they said on Slate’s The Gist podcast:
“Anthony Russo – One thing that we talked about a lot – and I thought was really profound, but it was almost too large of an idea for us to wrangle, but we did try for a while – the idea that one-quarter of all children have no parents.
Joe Russo – Assuming you started with two parents. So that’s a lot of global orphans. Just the staggering number of that. I believe at one point really early in development, Black Widow was actually leading the organization in D.C. that was in charge of orphans, basically. That was what she was heading up five years later. But yes, it’s fascinating when you start running it down.”
Now this would also have been an interesting development as Nat would then have got the opportunity to take care of the children that she could never have herself. But there was surely not much time for that, and we understand why the story went in a different direction. Hopefully, Black Widow solo will give us the perfect origin, a spy thriller, and the answer to the Budapest Conundrum. Perhaps a Winter Soldier cameo would work as well, but let’s not get too greedy.
Black Widow solo will probably come out on May 1, 2020.