Avengers: Endgame Ticket Bids Reach as High as $10,000 on eBay
We all are really excited for Avengers: Endgame and there are chances that the movie would take the throne from Avatar. With a Special Look trailer, the ticket sales of the movie were announced earlier this week and with no surprise, the site got clogged with huge traffic. This added another record to the movie’s name as it made the record-breaking pre-sales of the tickets. Where most people were struggling hard to buy the tickets, some used this opportunity to earn extra bucks as they went on to sell the tickets on eBay, whose prices reached as high as unbelievable $10,000.
Many of the tickets went on to touch the $50 – $250 mark, whereas, some got really ambitious. One listed an offer of two-night tickets for a price of $2,500. But, you’ll be surprised to see the next listing as two tickets for a show at the AMC’s 84th Street 6 Theater in NY on April 28th, stand with the current bid on a staggering $9,199. Yes, this is the level of excitement fans have for this film right now.
People are talking about it on social media platforms, family gatherings, with their friends and loved ones, tattooing the name or release date of the film, and are buying all sorts of accessories. I don’t think we are talking just about the release of a movie anymore my friends, and, MCU is no longer just a franchise, it has become way beyond.
However unbelievable it sounds, Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Avengers: Endgame has broken records which apparently did not even exist before, in short, has created history even before its release. This is something to cherish for all the superhero fans, as no one thought that a genre which was criticised initially would go on to become so huge. All Hail, Marvel!
Well, we don’t have to wait a lot as Avengers: Endgame will hit the theatres on April 26.