New ‘Birds of Prey’ BTS Photo Reveals a Look at Huntress’ Full Costume
In a new BTS photo of Birds of Prey, Huntress’ full costume has been revealed and I personally think that she is looking steel-solid and very intense in this one. Well, we all are excited to see Huntress in the movie because Huntress and Black Canary are the two big supporting characters other than the star, Harley Quinn.
We all know that these characters have the potential to make a place for themselves in the hearts of fans and this is exactly what Warner Bros. and DC want to see this time around. They’re bringing as many characters as possible in this movie and will analyze the success of the characters. Depending on the response they get from the audiences, the makers will decide whether these characters deserve an origin movie or not. They don’t want to bring the solo movies of characters first and fail.
The new photo of Huntress is down below and some of you will surely not find it the most revealing one but this is what we have at this point of time. Talking about the look. there are chances that this is going to be the final look of the Huntress in the movie or at least of the prototype version of the character. The movie is going to focus on the madness of Black Mask and it is none other than the trio of Harley Quinn, Black Canary, and the Huntress who’ll be fighting against him. Have a look at the reveal here:
Well, the movie is going to be an R-Rated. We all are glad to have the first female team up movie after waiting for such a long time. And the fact that it is being made on such a great level is sure a plus. The movie is going to be released on February 7th, 2020.