New Shazam! Teaser Contains an Interesting ‘Man of Steel’ Easter Egg
New Shazam! teaser dropped a couple of hours ago and I am sure not many of you must have noticed a Man of Steel Easter egg in there. Shazam! is coming very soon to the theatres and this recently released teaser shows us that WB has paid a unique kind of homage to the very first movie of the Extended Universe of DC. Well, we all know that eagle-eyed fans are always on duty in order to find some sort of spoilers or details and they have found something again.
Well, we all have seen the latest trailer of the movie Shazam! and in this one, we got to see more of Zachary Levi and Dr. Sivana who are going from toe-to-toe with each other. But, in one sequence, we can see that it is Doctor Sivana who holds Shazam! in the air and punches him into the sky. The teaser is down below and you can have a look at it:
Well, I’m sure that some of the fans will remember the scene in which Henry Cavill who portrayed the character of Superman was fighting with General Zod, portrayed by Michael Shannon in the movie Man of Steel. But, in one of the sequences, we can see some kind of similarities between both the fight scenes. The clip of Superman fight with General Zod is down below and you can see the similarities in the video yourself:
Well, Shazam! isn’t the only and first DC superhero to borrow the fighting sequence of Superman vs General Zod as in the Season 1 of Supergirl, we saw a similar kind of thing too. The fighting scene between Superman and General Zod is one of the best fighting sequences of DCEU but we have to say that the movie is going to bring something new to the table as it is looking quite attractive and fresh.
Also, a lot of hopes are on the shoulder of Zachary Levi because of a lot of reasons but the biggest reason is the concept and the way DC is bringing this movie as we all know that they’re a fan of dark movies or the movies which defines characters in a very significant manner but this time they’ve brought something novel and what we had been demanding from DC in all this time.
Zachary Levi stated his comments about the movie Shazam! in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. He said,
“Our movie takes place very squarely in the DC Universe,” Levi explained this in an interview. “In fact, I would argue that we’re kind of the most self-aware of it because the movies that we all watch — I mean, Aquaman and Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman — they’re all basically documentaries in their world,” Levi explained in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. “These things, these are all real events that have happened. Batman and Superman fighting, Superman saving all of Metropolis, whilst simultaneously destroying the entire city — that all really happened.”
We all know that Shazam! and Superman has had some really famous and incredible fights in the comics and Shazam! is one of the very-very few characters in the comics who has beaten Superman. On that, Zachary Levi has also stated his comments and signals towards the brave approach that he really wants to face Superman sometime in future as according to him it is a really big and important history of Shazam’s character. He said,
“Shazam and Superman have iconic battles throughout the history of the comic books,” Levi talked to Entertainment Weekly during Comic-Con in an interview, “because Captain Marvel/Shazam is the only one who has a shot of beating Superman — and has. Listen, Cavill. I’m not trying to start anything, but don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing….Yeah, that would be pretty fun to do that.”
The movie Shazam! is going to release on April 5, 2019, and if you’re excited to see this superhero soon on the big screen then do show your excitement in the comments section down below.