List of Hollywood Movies That Got Banned in India
In India, many movies releases in a year. All the movies that release need to fulfill some criteria and formalities that are laid down by the censor board of the country. Below listed are some Hollywood movies that were banned in India by the censor board.
1. The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo
The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo was released in the year 2011. The film had disturbing scenes of rape and torture. The censor board of India had objections with the intense lovemaking scenes in the movie. Even Director David Fincher was requested by Censor board of the country to drop those scenes from the film but the director refused. And because of that, the film was not released in India.
2. Dirty Grandpa
Dirty grandpa was released in the year 2016. The censor board of India did not like the film, Dirty grandpa. According to them, the film was offensive and obscene. They even called the movie corrupt. It’s a comedy movie that was directed by Dan Mazer, starring Zac Efron and Robert de Niro.
3. Blue Jasmine
The movie was released in the year 2013. The movie was directed by Woody Allen. It’s a moving and an illuminating movie. this beautiful movie was banned by the censor board of India because the Woody Allen refused to add a “disclaimer” to every smoking scene in the film.
4. I Spit on Your Grave
This movie was released in the year 1978. The director of the movie was Steven R. Monroe. This movie was banned in various countries because of the sexual content in the movie. This movie has disturbing scenes of rape and torture. India will never release this movie because of disturbing and moving the content of the movie.
5. The DaVinci Code
This movie was released in the year 2006. The director of the movie is Ron Howard. It’s a brilliant movie that is based on Dan Brown’s bestseller. The Indian Christian minorities had problems with the content of the movie. According to them, it was anti-Christian. As a result, the movie was banned in some of the parts of India like Maharashtra, Goa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Andhra Pradesh.
6. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
The movie was released in the year 1984. The director, Steven Spielberg showed the Indian culture, traditions, and Hinduism in a negative light. Because of this reason the movie was initially banned in our country. The Ban was later canceled.
7. Get Hard
The movie was released in the year 2015. The director of the movie is Etan Cohen. Days before its screening, Warner brothers decided to withdraw the movie releasee request because of the unpredictable cuts the censor board of our country will make after its release.
8. Magic Mike XXL
This movie is about male stripping. The censor board of our country felt that the movie was against the Indian culture. The examining committee ejected the movie and the majority votes against this movie. As a result, the movie was banned in our country.
9. Fifty Shades of Grey
The movie was released in the year 2015. The director of the movie is Sam Taylor-Johnson. This movie was banned by the censor board of our country because of many s3x scenes in the movie. the film was not allowed to release in the Indian box office even after the distributors were ready to delete some scenes.