The Blood Pact of Fantastic Beasts 2 Can Explain Dumbledore’s Deepest Darkest Secret
Fantastic Beasts 2 was not without problems, but it was certainly a worthy successor to the first movie that actually built up the next 3 films of the franchise. And for world-building, this film certainly should get full marks. This was the first appearance of Albus Dumbledore in this franchise and we have to say that Jude Law portrayed the character really well. His portrayal got us more excited for the upcoming battle between Dumbledore and his old friend Gellert Grindelwald.
Grindelwald got his fair share of time to spend in the film and it did well upon the story arcs of Newt, Tina, and most of all Credence. It also did justice to its newcomers with the likes of Leta Lestrange, Theseus Scamander and actually gave a cool backstory to Nagini. But what was great about the film was it was building up towards the ending of the film right from the start.
There were no subplots. It was putting bread crumbs in the soup right from the beginning only to take dinner away from us at the end. The film left us on two massive twist cliffhangers which actually became the biggest talking stock amongst the fans.
SPOILERS Follow ahead. Don’t say that I didn’t warn ya!
One of the biggest reveals that came right at the end of the film was that Grindelwald told Credence about his past. On a very shocking note, he turned out to be Albus Dumbledore’s Brother Aurelius Dumbledore. But on the other hand, another big reveal was the reason why Dumbledore and Grindelwald cannot really fight each other. It was a “blood troth” that they had when they were young that prevented the pair from ever fighting each other.
This blood troth has to play a huge role in the upcoming Fantastic Beasts movie, but it also gives us the explanation to one of the biggest unanswered questions in the Harry Potter books. But does it also answer another biggest secret of Albus Dumbledore?
These two films of the franchise that we have seen take place in the years 1926 and 1927 respectively. The next three films have to build up to an infamous fight between Dumbledore and Grindelwald that takes place in the year 1945.
Until this time, Dumbledore is going to figure out a way to get rid of the Blood Troth, but what was the foundation of this blood troth in the first place? Grindelwald was a dark wizard precursor to Voldemort who terrorized Europe in the early-to-mid 20th Century, but Dumbledore shared a strong bond when they were young, and that is what probably led to the blood troth.
But then what could be the reason for these two wizards to drift apart? The spark between these two was turned into fire when Dumbledore’s sister Ariana died being caught up in a three-way duel his brother Aberforth Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.
We don’t know whose reflected blast killed her and that remains to be the biggest secret of Dumbledore till date. According to the books and looking at the ages of Dumbledore and Grindelwald the blood troth between them was formed around the point where Ariana died, and that is the point where their friendship turned into animosity full of remorse.
So apart from the blood troth being a pact to drive the plot of the franchise forward, it is probably also the reason why Dumbledore wants to stop Grindelwald more than anything! Because of the pact, Dumbledore cannot avenge his sister and that is what adds even more weight to the story of these two Wizards. If this gets revealed in the upcoming 3 films then the final battle which takes place in Fantastic Beats 5 will become even more epic!
Fantastic Beasts 3 is 2 years away from us, but the way The Crimes of Grindelwald ended, it left fans pretty excited and inquisitive for the next film. Directed by David Yates with a script from J.K. Rowling, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald stars Eddie Redmayne, Katherine Waterston, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler, Johnny Depp, Ezra Miller, Jude Law, Zoë Kravitz, Callum Turner, David Sakurai, Claudia Kim, Brontis Jodorowsky, Wolf Roth, Victoria Yeates, Derek Riddell, Poppy Corby-Tuech, and Cornell S. John.