Avengers: Infinity War Concept Art Reveals Thor’s Amazing Weapons Instead of Stormbreaker
Avengers: Infinity War was a massive crossover event that involved so many amazing things altogether. Age of Ultron & Civil War split the Avengers apart and also marked the entry of new characters to come into the mix. Infinity War was the movie that set the basis for all the characters to Assemble, but that did not really happen. It will when Avengers 4 comes out, but not before that. Still, it was amazing to see that the directors Joe & Anthony Russo and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely really played with the many aspects that they brought into the film.
One of the big story arcs in the film was Thor’s journey to get his new Weapon Stormbreaker! After Thanos attacked the Asgardian vessel and killed half the Asgardians, Thor met the Guardians and went on a journey that will help him seek redemption.
Then we saw the first appearance of Nidavellir in the MCU where Thor met Eitri who forged the Thanos beating weapon Stormbreaker. That was followed by Thor’s grand entrance in Wakanda & the big moment of attack right before the Snap!
Avengers: Infinity War would have been Thor’s film if he wouldn’t have missed his mark when he attacked Thanos and even Joe Russo shares the same opinion:
“Had he gone for a kill shot, that snap would not have happened. These are choices that characters who are feeling immense pain make and hopefully, the audience can learn to empathize with those characters because they can grow through stories. Stories can teach us things and that we should try to see every choice from the perspective of the character that made the choice.”
Well, Thor might’ve got Thanos if he actually had different weapons. New Concept Arts have featured online which reveal that Thor may have had very different looks, and weapons. Here are the various concept arts revealed through a tweet:
All the suits that Thor has in these Concept Arts look pretty amazing but since Avengers: Infinity War had to pick up from where Ragnarok left us, we could not have had a new suit in the film.
But this should not be the case with Avengers 4 as now Thor’s look could be altered to any way Marvel wants him to look like. Apart from the suits, Thor actually seems to have had guns and a proper Axe in the early art pieces of the film.
Hopefully, we might get to see Thor having a gun in Avengers 4. He had the biggest role in Infinity War amongst the heroes as he got to spend the most amount of screen time in the film. Here’s what Joe Russo had to say about the most important characters of Infinity War and Thor’s role in the film:
“Interestingly enough, I’ll start out by saying Thanos, even though he’s not a character that had a huge preexisting story in the Marvel universe. He was a threat but he was not developed in any way up to this point. Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time in this film, in a lot of ways I would say it’s his movie. Our job when we make these films — and what we feel is important to us — is to surprise the audience. We wanted to tell a story that they weren’t expecting, and the story is told from the point of view of a villain, which I think is also really unique and risky for a commercial film that will surprise the audience. I think this is a market where the audience really enjoys innovation and disruption, and we want to do something innovative in this space. So I think Thanos has an incredible amount of screen time, and I think you’ll find that Thor has a really interesting arc in the film. He hasn’t been at the forefront of other Avengers movies but he certainly has a very important role in this film. So I’ll say, Thanos and Thor.”
Now Thor will return in Avengers 4 to take his revenge from Thanos, but this time all the powerhouses of the Avengers will be together, so Thanos is screwed! Avengers 4 comes out on May 3, 2019.