New Avengers 4 Theory Asks Whether Thanos Actually Got All the Infinity Stones?
Every day we wake up with the hope that we will finally get the Avengers 4 title today, but all we get is a new Avengers 4 theory, and that has sort of kept the hype of the film alive. Not Marvel, but us fans are self-feeding our own hype trying to figure out any sorts of details about the upcoming film.
Usually, theories end up being nothing but a waste, but one out of many always ends up being a part of the film. So let’s stay motivated and keep trying out as many theories as we can.
As we saw in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos really established himself as the big villain by making the snap that ended half the population of the entire Universe. But did he actually do that? Did he get all the stones and wipe out half civilizations throughout the Universe? This is the question that a new theory given by Redditor 11_Apollo_22 poses as he noticed the visuals for Scarlet Witch’s powers are red and compared them to the Reality Stone.
Here’s what his Theory suggests:
“Has anyone noticed how similar Scarlet Witch and the reality Stone are? Just another example to add proof to the theory, she did have the ability to manipulate everyone’s Minds at one point. And the red glow of her ability seems pretty consistent with the reality Stone. Hint hint, did Thanos ever really get the stone? Could this potentially be a ruse to manipulate Thanos? Again highly unlikely, especially considering the fact that I believe Avengers 4 has to do with the quantum Realm. Or at least a small part. I actually had this suspicion after watching both Thor dark World, and Avengers Age of Ultron. There are quite a few examples that made me wonder. Anyone else have a thought?”
Thanos’ Snap was the ultimate catastrophe seen in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and everyone wants to somehow reverse it. But this theory, even though it is good and we all have wondered about it, is not the way to reverse the snap.
If the Reality Stone was not on Knowhere then the entire story of Avengers: Infinity War will be rendered pointless. It is the biggest movie of the MCU, and we cannot see it turn out to be a hoax.
What the Redditor is proposing here is physically impossible to set up even in a fictitious world where anything or everything would be possible. Wanda will have to arrange movies worth of Decoy to let Thanos think that he has all the Infinity Stones.
Her powers as revealed by Age of Ultron were from the Mind Stone even though the visuals were red. So we just cannot have it all turn out to be Thanos’ dream shown to him by Wanda. This is not twilight for God’s sake.
It is a good theory to consider, but it is as late as Steve Kissing Sharon. We know that Avengers 4 will revolve around the Quantum Realm and every bit of the snap and the ramifications it caused are real. Even the reality stone cannot alter that. Even after the heavy involvement of the Quantum Realm, we don’t really know what else will happen in the film.
Avengers 4 comes out on May 3, 2019, and here’s what the writers of the film had to say about the unexpectedness of Avengers 4:
“Christopher Markus – [Avengers 4] doesn’t do what you think it does. It is a different movie than you think it is…Also…[the deaths are] real. I just want to tell you it’s real, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you will be able to move on to the next stage of grief.
Stephen McFeely – Put it this way, I think [Infinity War] is a fairly mature movie for a blockbuster. It’s got a lot of fun in it, obviously, but boy, it gets very mature. The second one is also mature. We’re going to own these choices, and hopefully surprise and delight you and get you invested. It’s by the same studio, the same filmmaking team. They were written at the same time, shot at the same time. They’re clearly connected, but they are definitely two different movies, one of which is dependent on what happened previous.”