
Avengers 4 Theory: What if Captain Marvel Herself Turns to Dust??

By now, you must be thinking that the next Avengers movie is actually titled “Avengers 4 Theory” because that is all people seem to be talking about. While Marvel has not revealed anything about the film till now, all people seem to be talking about the countless possibilities of the film that make their way to the internet in the form of theories. It is going to be a massive crossover event which will be even bigger than Infinity War. The likes of Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, and Ant-Man will also be joining the Avengers while the ones who were dusted will also be making their return to the real world.

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

People are expecting Captain Marvel to have a big impact on the story of Avengers 4. She is supposed to be the biggest gun of Avengers that takes down the Mad Titan for good. But an insane new fan theory given by Redditor ChovvyChofChop suggests the big question of what if Captain Marvel’s post-credits scene actually turns out to be similar to that of Ant-Man and the Wasp?

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

We have seen many set photos of Avengers 4, but we haven’t seen Brie Larson in any of those. People have expected that she is supposed to make an entry similar to Ant-Man from the Quantum Realm, but we have only seen Ant-Man teaming up with the likes of Tony, Steve, and Bruce (Hulk). So does Captain Marvel even show up in the first half of Avengers 4?

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

Here’s what the theory states:

“Given all of the set photos that we’ve seen and some plot information people have managed to piece together, it seems like Iron Man and Ant Man are going to have substantial roles in A4. This lead me to thinking about where Captain Marvel fits in.

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

I think Captain Marvel’s post credits scene will be set in the present day with her receiving Fury’s pager message, but just as she sees that she’s needed, she begins to turn to dust and is confused as to what is happening. Cut to black with a similar tagline appearing like the one we saw in Ant Man & The Wasp (“Ant Man & The Wasp will return…?”)”

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

The Redditor then talks about how benching Captain Marvel for this film would actually help the focus to shift on other MCU heroes. It continues:

“This sets up more hype for A4 and subverts audience expectations as everyone is expecting Captain Marvel to swoop into A4 and save the day. This also lends the story to be more core-Avengers focused and have it be up to them to save the day. I believe Captain Marvel will still be in A4, possibly after the original Avengers reverse the snap, but she will not be a major player for the majority of the film.”

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

This theory has a remarkable possibility to come true. We haven’t really heard any talks of Brie Larson’s character being a major part of the upcoming Crossover. One may argue about the fact that Captain Marvel is present in the leaked Avengers 4 concept art so she could not be amongst the disintegrated characters. She is supposed to be the biggest Superhero of the MCU moving forward, so she cannot be sidelined just like that.

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

Well, this is Marvel after all. They can make great leaps in terms of putting out a massive thriller! All those concept arts could just be to subvert the audiences into believing something else and not spoil the ending of Captain Marvel.

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

You may think that Captain Marvel cannot go down just like that, but just think about it. She has the strength to move planets! She probably would not need any of the Avengers to defeat Thanos. She can do it on her own! So joining the likes of Thor and others on their crusade to defeat Thanos would leave the strong old villain no chance at all. It could remove a lot of weight from the story. So it may actually be great to side line her and bring her back later on along with the rest of the dead Avengers.

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

Another evidence that hints to Captain Marvel’s absence until the third act is that Evangeline Lilly spoke in an interview way back with Entertainment Tonight, where she talked about how she loved working with Brie Larson. She said:

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

“You know what I was working, when I was working on Avengers I got to know Brie Larson pretty well, or as much as you can on a film, and her and I talked about it. And of course she’s going to be the next titled female superhero, she’s going to be Captain Marvel, and I’m sure this will be the beginning of many, many more titled Marvel films. Black Widow. Scarlet Witch. I mean I don’t know who’s next or who’s going to get a film, but it’s not, it’s just the beginning.”

Avengers 4 Theory Captain Marvel

We know that the Wasp has been dusted, so she will come back only when other disintegrated characters would. We haven’t heard about Brie Larson or Captain Marvel from anyone else, so that could probably point to the fact that Carol Danvers may also have a fate similar to Black Panther, Spidey, and Doctor Strange.

Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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