Avengers: Infinity War is the biggest movie of this year, and if Avengers 4 doesn’t go past it, then Infinity War will remain to be the biggest Superhero movie of all time. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest brand in Hollywood and no other franchise is even close to competing with them. WB has the potential to present a big competitor to the MCU, and they even started with that, but 5 movies down the line, they seem to be in ruins trying to compete with a cinematic Juggernaut. Now, they are taking things slow with the DC Films Universe, and will soon try to get back in the race.
Four of the five movies of the ‘DCEU’ have been considered a failure as they did not manage to impress the critics at all, and had passable profits for the studios at the Box Office. A lot of things have been changing behind the scenes at WB in order to save a dying Universe. WB had put out a big slate 3-4 years ago which has been altered at least twice after that, and we would still get to see a new slate get announced at this year’s comic con.
After the failure of Justice League in particular, WB is shifting a lot of their focus on the solo movies now, since the 3 team up movies they have put out till now have not done them any good while the solo movies have done well. That is why the next three movies they have are solo movies only (Aquaman, Shazam! & Wonder Woman 1984).
Infinity War screenwriters recently appeared in a Q&A on Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin’s most recent episode of ‘Fat-Man on Batman’ and they were asked about how they would fix the DCEU which has recently not been able to live up to the expectations. Kevin Smith gave them a Question to answer. Here’s what he asked:
“You guys have made wonderful films about people. You don’t make movies about super heroes, you make movies about people who have these powers, and they happen to have these powers. That being said, if somebody offered you a f—ton of money and swayed you to the dark side and said, ‘Fix these f—ing movies,’ how would you fix the DC universe?”
To this the screenwriters, Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus had the perfect answer which I think DC has started to follow now, making solo movies. Here’s what the two writers said:
“Markus – I mean, I would look at what Marvel did out of necessity, in that they didn’t have their A-list characters. They didn’t have Spider-Man. They didn’t have the X-Men. They went down a line and found a, I mean,he’s pretty f—ing famous, he’s Iron Man, but he wasn’t there, and they made a really good movie out of it.
I might put Batman and Superman and everybody else, I mean Wonder Woman is doing fine, aside for a second. Go through the vast world and go, ‘That guy,’ or ‘That girl,’ and go, ‘Let’s just make a really good movie and not a universe and see what happens.’ There’s a lot of spaghetti being thrown at the wall.
McFeely – My familiarity with the DC universe is not that great but I can just say, strategically, ‘Make one, To quote Justice League, ‘Save one person.’”
To this Kevin Smith had just one reply:
“You would fix them with their own advice!”
Well, this is the right advice considering the conditions and WB seems to have started following this formula already. They are taking things slower, one movie at a time, not really trying to compete with the biggest competitor anyone could have, rather focussing on making an awesome movie. DC still has a ton of movies under development, but it feels that many of them will be under development for years to come and some of them may eventually get canceled with WB channeling their focus in a certified direction from now on.
Here are the movies which are currently under development – Suicide Squad 2 (said to begin production next year), Flashpoint (said to begin production next year), Man of Steel 2, Joker vs. Harley Quinn, The Batman (said to begin production next year), Black Adam (script is in & production begins next year), Lobo, Justice League Dark, Joker Spin-off, Nightwing, Birds of Prey, Joker Origins, Harley Quinn Spin-off, New Gods, Deathstroke, Cyborg and Green Lantern Corps but none of them have any sort of release dates confirmed just yet.
There are many movies which need to be fast-tracked after WB gets a proper slate by figuring out the right direction. So they should do that as fast as possible because the Audiences need to see a good competitor in the market as competition strives for a spirit of performing better, and so far, DC hasn’t been in even a 1000 miles radius against their biggest competitor, MCU.
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