Arrow Season 7 – Stephen Amell Reveals New DC Characters Coming To The Show
The Arrowverse has grown really big in the last 6 years and it all started with CW’s Arrow. Even though Marvel TV has been a true competitor to the CW shows, the Arrowverse is the one that really hyped Superheroes on TV. Arrow brought us to The Flash, and together the two shows spawned DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Looking at the traction these 3 shows got, Supergirl also connected itself into the same Multiverse. But the one to start it all was none other than Arrow, and this year we are getting the 7th season of this crime-fighting show.
Arrow, in particular, has been a darker and grittier show than all other CW shows which promote Hope and Optimism much more. All other CW shows bring out Superheroes with Superpowers but Arrow has been more grounded to reality, bringing out bad-ass heroes based upon their skill-set rather than superpowers. As show kept running and growing gradually season by season, we got to see more and more amazing characters get added on the show. Season 1 and Season 2 were really amazing when it comes to the build-up of the show and the ratings were really high for the first two seasons. The plot took a dip for the next two seasons, but it raised the Bar with Season 5 & Season 6.
Season 6, in particular, brought out two different Story Arcs which were loved by the audiences. After the game changing Season Finale, we expect to see an even better Season 7 from the show. Season 6 brought in new characters and old characters, and it also retired some old characters. And something similar is expected from Season 7 as well. The Arrowverse has explored DC Comics very deeply, which the movies could never do. It brought out names from the Comic Books which will never show up in the movies, and it converted them into Household names. So many characters have been brought on the all 4 shows, and yet every season we expect for more, and the showrunners keep giving us more.
Green Arrow himself, Stephen Amell has now revealed the fact that the upcoming Season 7 of Arrow will not be any different. With 2 of the big characters out of the show, Arrow will be looking to bring in new characters, and Amell has just revealed exactly that during an interview with The Music Australia. He revealed that the cast of Season 7 has some exciting new additions. Here’s what he said:
“I think that you will see some very, very new and exciting characters in season seven, characters that have a canon in DC.”
The CW shows usually return in October, so there is still plenty of time left before we get to know that who exactly will these new characters be. Still, we could make speculations. San Diego Comic Con will give us the new trailers for the upcoming seasons, which may make it easier for us to speculate these characters. Perhaps we could finally get to see the Harley Quinn Storyline which had been scrapped earlier, and that itself could bring in the rumored entrance of Batwoman as a protagonist.
We do know that Colten Hayes is returning as a series regular on the show for Season 7. There have been a lot of changes behind the scenes as well as Beth Schwartz is taking over as showrunner while co-showrunners Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle have stepped aside. This may very well be the last season of Arrow so Stephen Amell himself has told the writers to write like there is no tomorrow!
Here’s what he said:
“We have a new showrunner this year, Beth Schwartz, who’s been with the show since season one. [The writers] have a very clear vision of what they want season seven to be, and what I asked them to do – and it’s not up to me – but what I asked of them is to not just assume that we have an eighth season. I wanted them to write like, ‘If you have a good idea, and you have something you’ve always wanted to do or see on the show, then just do it! Do it right now!’ I think that’s one of the things I’m getting out of what they’ve planned for season seven – we’re not writing like we’re guaranteed something beyond this, because we’re not; nobody is. I want them to really push forward and take the fact we have a certain license and a certain respect from the fans to take some chances.”
Hopefully, Season 7 turns out to be better than what Season 6 was.
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