
Deadpool 2 And New Mutants Have New Release Dates

This year is going to be big for Marvel Comic Book movies as both Marvel Studios and 21st Century Fox are bringing in their big guns. Our plate is full of three huge Marvel Cinematic Universe properties and 3 X-Men related Marvel properties.

Well, this was the case until now as Fox has moved the release date of New Mutants to next year, which means that instead of 6, we are going to get 5 Marvel movies.

As we all know, Deadpool 2 is one of the most anticipated Superhero movies to come out this year as the previous one was outrageous, and this time around, things are going to be even more insane as the fun is going to be doubled, because the number of characters has increased, the budget is bigger and the hype is double!

Well, we have really good news for all you Deadpool fans out there as Fox has changed the release date of Deadpool 2 as well. Earlier the sequel for Deadpool was hitting the theatres on June 1, 2018.

Now, Fox has pulled it back 2 weeks and we will get to see it on May 18, 2018. Yess! 2 of the most hyped Marvel movies will come out within 2 weeks!

It is a pretty interesting choice made by Fox to make an early release for the movie, as it is just 2 weeks after Avengers Infinity War, which will come out on May 4.

So, the competition is going to be big for Deadpool 2 at the box office. Now what is even interesting over here is that Solo: A Star Wars Story is going to come out just 1 week later, which is May 24.

Now we know that any project having the name Star Wars attached to it is a big money maker, so people might not understand that getting an early release for Deadpool 2 might be a good thing for the studios or not.

Most people will be thinking that the suits at Fox have completely lost their minds as Avengers: Infinity War is probably the biggest movie to come out this year, and it will surely break the box office and make numerous new records because the hype for the movie is insane.

Along with that, all three Star Wars movies which have come out in the last 3 years have made over a Billion Dollars each. The competition is really hotting up but it would be better for comic-book movies to keep a certain distance from Star Wars movies as they are just too epic to ignore.

Well, we have no doubt upon the fact that Deadpool is a huge money maker as well. The first Deadpool movie proved that. But, it just doesn’t make sense as to what strategy would Fox be having in their mind to do so. Well, whatever, we are getting Deadpool 2 earlier than expected, who am I to complain!

Now the second movie that Fox has changed dates for is the New Mutants project which was coming out on April 13, 2018, earlier. And, the new release date for the movie is February 22, 2019. Yes, there is going to be a 10-month delay! The reason for this delay mentioned by Fox is that as every movie gets a different release date in different countries, so this movie would have overlapped and competed with Fox’s own movies, hence the delay.


New Mutants was looking to be a really big step taken by Fox in the new direction, as it was going to try out the Horror genre within a Comic Book movie. Here’s what Josh Boone had to say about comic-book storyline and horror elements of the movie:

“Our whole pitch for this series was based on Bill Sienkiewicz run with Chris Claremont [The New Mutants vol. 1 #18-31, 35-38], so it’s very much when New Mutants became dark and surreal and more horror driven. We were incredibly inspired by the Demon Bear story which is probably the best, well-known New Mutants story. We also drew on movies like One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Stephen King stuff, and even Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.”

The movie is a tribute to classic horror films and is foraying into a different territory where X-Men movies have never gone before. In fact, the director Josh Boone is planning a trilogy of “New Mutants” series. Here’s what he said:

“We brought it to Fox as a trilogy of films, really all based on that long run by Sienkiewicz, and kind of incorporates some stuff from later issues in the ’80s. These are all going to be horror movies, and they’re all be their own distinct kind of horror movies. This is certainly the ‘rubber-reality’ supernatural horror movie. The next one will be a completely different kind of horror movie. Our take was just go examine the horror genre through comic book movies and make each one its own distinct sort of horror film. Drawing from the big events that we love in the comics.”

Well, this reason still does not justify a 10-month delay, but let’s not fret over it so much as we have another bad news to be bothered about. Channing Tatum’s Gambit movie has lost yet another director right after setting up a production date.

It set the starting production date to March 19 just a day before yesterday, and the very next day, it lost director Doug Liman due to scheduling conflicts. Well, the movie been hanging in the dry for 3 years now, as the release date of this particular movie has been moved around 3 times and it has lost a number of directors.

But now it’s almost decided (not yet official) that the movie has landed Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) to direct the spin-off movie. Recently, the actor Channing Tatum who will be playing the lead had an interview with HeyUGuys and he confirmed about the project. He said:

“I look for a personal connection to the movies I make and it may not be immediately obvious…In every story, I have a personal connection…With Gambit, I just never found that personal way in. We lit a fuse on the first one and just blew it completely out of the water. I think we got lucky, we got hit with some setbacks and it was all for a good reason. We were trying to do something completely different. We were trying to do something that this genre of movie hasn’t seen before. We kept running into the same problems, and then Deadpool and Logan came through and kicked the doors down. Now we’re really getting to do some of the things we’ve always wanted to do with the script, we’ve just sort of started over.”

Simon Kinberg, an executive producer said this about the movie:

Gambit will have its own different flavor and tone to it, further it will be more of like a heist movie and a sexy thriller in a way.”

So let’s be patient and let them do their thing. The positives we can take out from this is that Deadpool 2 comes out early, Channing Tatum is still attached to Gambit and X-Men: Dark Phoenix is not going to be delayed and come out on November 1, 2018, as planned before.

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Vansh Mehra

Content creator. Just wanna share my passion for cinema with everyone.
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