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20 Mind-Blowing Things You Never Knew About Batman’s Son Damian Wayne

Damian Wayne is a fictional character in the DC comics. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul and was raised to be an assassin by his grandfather and batman’s villain Ra’s al Ghul. Check out some of the facts about him which you have never heard of:

He Killed Dick Grayson!

First Introduced in 1996!

Revamping the Storyline!

Super Sons!

The Bat-Cow!

He Defeated His Mother at the age of 10!

He was Chosen to be New Robin!

Potential Threat!

He was Raised To Be Assassin!

The Name!

Rough Upbringing!

He Loved His Father!

DC’s Rebirth!

Nightwing and Starfire!

Damian Wayne Backstory!

Messy Birth!

Unsavory Attitude!

First Onscreen Appearance!

He was Brought Back From Dead!

He Kidnapped Teen Titans!

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