Henry Cavill’s Superman has been mostly liked by the majority of fans but some have been unhappy with his portrayal as we got to see a more brooding Superman, than an inspiring one due to the situations surrounding him in the previous two movies. Well as Justice League has been promised to be a lighter movie as compared to the previous two, and it has been claimed in the past that Superman fans are going to love him and the movie, we can believe that we might finally get to see what we’ve been waiting for.
Cavill claims that “The true Superman” will be born in this movie which is just a couple of days away now. Of course, his character Kal-El/Clark Kent was killed off at the end of BvS, as Superman sacrificed his life for the greater good of Humanity, in order to save them from the wrath of the mighty mindless beast, Doomsday. But the dirt rising above his grave in the film’s final shot made it clear that a resurrection is coming in the next movie.
According to the last few interviews with Cavill, we found out that he actually seems to be aware that the darker take on his character by Director Zack Snyder, has not found the right footing with the audiences. He recently stated that the early films of the DCEU made the “right mistakes”, with Patty Jenkins light and bright ‘Wonder Woman’ movie starring Gal Gadot being “the first step in the right direction.” A lot of people took these statements to mean that the reborn Superman seen in Justice League will be a happier figure and more inspiring than his pre-death incarnation.
Now, Cavill has added more to his statement in his latest interview. He said that Geoff Johns (who is currently looking over things in the DCEU) helped craft a more faithful version of Superman, who fans will get to meet in Justice League.
“Geoff [Johns] and I have been delving into the history of the character to get to the core of who Superman is. This is the first time we see the true Superman. The Superman who is confident, and sure, and full of hope and joy.”
This obviously is a stress reliever and we all are totally excited to see how Superman is carried forward in the DCEU and here are the things we expect to see from Superman in Justice League.
An Epic Return/Entrance
The scene where we finally get to see Superman in action once again in Justice League should really dramatic and epic. He is coming back from the dead and it should really make a difference for the whole team. They will surely need him and he needs to assure them and everyone else that he is the biggest powerhouse of the team. The entrance he makes should really hype all fans.
He is the strongest member of the team and if he does not hold back, he could be really unbeatable. When he returns in Justice League, we need to see a show of his true strength and Steppen wolf and the parademons should feel that they are up against the real protector of Earth and it is far away from their reach.
Superman was pretty low on confidence since a lot of people did not really believe in the ideal Superman. They all knew that earth needs a watchful protector, but because of the nefarious plans and schemes of Lex Luthor, people have quite turned away into believing that he is there to do whatever he pleases. Their eyes did open when he died at the end, and now he is returning from the dead so we all need to see him shine bright and be confident about himself as the people of earth will be backing him.
Inspire the Justice League
Justice league should have the same inspiration that Batman got from Superman in Batman v Superman. Superman just did not save people, he made them see the best part of themselves and he will surely do the same with the league. That inspiration will surely be needed by the likes of The Flash and Cyborg as they are pretty young teenagers and would be afraid despite being so powerful. So, if they are given a proper inspiration and motivation, the league will be more united than ever.
Embrace the Superman
It would be excellent to see him embrace the hero he is in Justice League. It’s time for him to finally embrace the ideology of Man of Steel. While he’s saved quite a lot of people on screen, Henry Cavill’s Superman has never really seemed to enjoy doing so. His expressions during those moments of saving people were of hesitance. He needs to let go of his inhibitions and become the Superman.
What’s the ‘S’ stand for?? “It’s not an ‘S’, on my planet, it means ‘Hope’.” Superman has always been a cultural symbol of hope. He is the representation of all that is good with the world. His sacrifice in Batman v Superman is a reflection of that, but for a lot of fans, his attitude in the films has yet to really reflect the hope-filled hero that we all know and love. We need to see a proper presentation of love and Hope that he has been the mascot of since Man of Steel.
An Epic Battle against Steppenwolf
It looks like the League will really need Superman and will be pinned down against Steppenwolf and the rest of the Parademon army. Rightly said by Batman that the league itself is ‘not enough’ for the battle against Steppenwolf. Superman after his return should really deliver a great battle against Steppenwolf as the league might be a little weak against him even though they have powerhouses like Aquaman and Wonder Woman. Steppenwolf should get some smashing and heavy hitting from the strongest member of the Justice League.
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