Justice League is just a month and a half away from us and we all our really excited because it is going to be a dream come true for every DC fan as it will be the first time that 6 big guns of DC are going to unite on the big screen for the first time.
Until now we have seen 3 trailers and various posters for the movie and all these have given us a lot of insight about what to we all should expect from the movie. And, recently it was confirmed that we are going to get yet another trailer for the movie which will be the final trailer for the movie. this trailer is going to surface online this Sunday at the New York Comic Con. Along with the trailer announcement, 5 new Character posters have been released by Warner Bros. and all these posters are sick as hell!
Wonder Woman is going to be of a great influence on the movie considering the recent success her own solo movie had, it seems that she is going to play a huge role in this Superhero team up. Here is what Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) had to say about the movie.
“Justice League is not a dark or heavy movie. It doesn’t have the weight that Batman v Superman had.”
It looks like DC has learnt their lesson and they are more positive than ever movie forward. Even though the movie lost its director, Zack Snyder, the movie was still on track as we all know that Joss Whedon took up the project from where Snyder left. It is still Snyder’s vision and his movie and Whedon just helped around in concluding what was left. This is what the cast members said.
“This is Zack Snyder’s movie,” Gadot said. “Joss only did a few weeks of reshoots. He was Zack’s guy and knew exactly what he wanted to get.”
Ezra Miller (The Flash) who is believed to be the most fun and take away character also felt that the movie was always planned to be a light-hearted one. Here is what he said.
“Zack always intended for the Justice League to rise out of the darkness, and maybe even bring Batman with them, Maybe an inch.”
Ben Affleck commented on the massive scale of the movie. He also commented on why he admires Zack Snyder as a director. Here is what he said.
“The movie’s bigger in scale than any movie I’ve been involved with in my career. It feels massive in terms of the visual elements. That’s something that Zack is really good at. That will be admired.”
Aquaman and Cyborg also showed up in these character posters and Aquaman looks to be the coolest guy in the movie. everything about him that we have seen till now is just so fascinating, his appearance, his scenes from the trailers, everything. Fans are just going to love him in the movie and all the credit goes to Snyder, who completely changed the perspective of this Superhero.
Cyborg might just turn out to be the heart of the movie, as he is much more linked to the villain that anyone else and his tragic origin is going to be featured in the movie. All these posters are so vibrant and really colourful that makes us feel how light and awesome this movie is going to be. Each poster highlights every hero and their logos distinctively. Here is the synopsis of the movie.
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s (Henry Cavill) selfless act, Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) enlists newfound ally Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) to face an even greater threat. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to recruit a team to stand against this newly awakened enemy. Despite the formation of an unprecedented league of heroes — Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman (Jason Mamoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and the Flash (Ezra Miller) — it may be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
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