The Flash Season 4: Barry Allen’s Coded Messages Cracked
If you all were waiting for Barry Allen to return to The Flash Season 4 quickly, well then you all got your wish. As a Flash fan, I certainly did expect more from the episode, with Barry’s return being more difficult than shown in the episode. Not to say The Flash Season 4 premiere was completely disappointing, it had its highs and lows. Well, the low was certainly, I personally expected more from the episode. On the other end, the episode, was amazing, with Barry being in a demented state and certainly the Samuroid villain.
Now before getting to Barry’s coded gibberish, let us first establish a few facts. We saw Team Flash comprising of Cisco, Joe, Wally and Caitlin rescuing Barry from the Speed Force and when he was found by Cecile in CCPD, he wasn’t normal. Instead, he was uttering complete non-sense and communicating in his own disconnected language. Thus, with this post, we aim to make sense of what Barry was trying to communicate in those messages.
We saw Barry uttering a number of lines, revealing the show’s future and re-living his past as well. This just goes on to prove that Speed Force is unending, it goes both backward and forwards. Barry said a few things from his past.
Nora shouldn’t be here.
There is no exact reference to this dialogue, however, it just shows a reference to his mother Nora Allen whom he brought back in The Flashpoint timeline. Even he realizes her death should have been final and he should never have undone it.
You said this city was safe, that there was no residual danger.
This line is a throwback to the first episode of The Flash. When Barry wakes up from his coma, he encounters Clyde Mardon who is another meta-human. He then goes back to S.T.A.R. labs and says this very line. This accusation results in the reveal of particle accelerator accident and its aftermath.
I doubt restraint is how you got to be the man you are today.
This is a reference to episode 2 of the first season. These lines were said by none other than Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne). It just goes to show how Barry considered him as his good-hearted mentor. And how things have changed now.
Other few small instances were also seen like a reference to Oliver (his meeting with him on the rooftop in the series premiere) and when he tries to comfort his mom by saying, “Dad and I both are okay.”
Now, that was about the past, let us discuss the FUTURE references…
Your Honor I’m Innocent, I didn’t kill anyone.
These lines just teased the possibility of a reference from the comic “Trial of the Flash” where Barry Allen is arrested for murder. In The Flash Season 4 premiere, we see him mistaking Cecile for a judge and pleading his innocence. In his original comic run, he was found guilty of killing Reverse-Flash. This is not the first time, Barry being arrested has been teased by the show. When Barry first when through the Speed Force, we saw glimpses of a number of realities, times and places of which were John Diggle’s grown up, son, Supergirl and yes, Barry Allen behind bars.
We are gonna need more diapers.
As we saw Barry was distressed, angered and frustrated while uttering all the other lines except this one. When he said the thing about “diapers” he was grinning and seemed happy. This just pointed that Barry possibly glimpsed his own future, in which he and Iris start a family of their own and have twin kids. And before, both of them can rejoice the fact, Barry in his sarcastic tone points that, they are going to need more diapers. We see Barry singing “stars melting” which could be a rhyme he is singing to his newborns.
All of this is mere speculation at this point and we have to wait and watch when do the show-runners incorporate these storylines into the show. However, we can clearly take it as a hint that Barry has seen above and beyond his own future. But since the show uses time-travel a lot, we don’t know which of the realities are going to come true.
This is what we could make of Barry’s rumbling in the episode. What do you fans think of our theories? Do let us know in the comments and keep watching the Flash on the CW (in the US), Sky1 (UK) and on Colors Infinity (India).
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