
Is Pepper Potts Dead? This ANSWER Will SHOCK You

Being Iron Man’s lady love isn’t that easy. Tony Stark will be a hard boyfriend to have for anyone. Now, let us take the curious case of Pepper Potts. Pepper Potts was last seen in Iron Man 3. After that, we have had Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War and virtually no reference to her in any of the other Marvel movies released since Iron Man 3! So, that brings us to a pretty standard conclusion, either Gwyneth Paltrow’s contract hasn’t been renewed or wait for it,


pepper potts dead
Pepper Potts Dead Because of Extremis Experiment!

This theory is very likely. Since we have absolutely nothing on Gwyneth Paltrow’s contract, and no one at Marvel is speaking about this, it can be concluded that Pepper Potts is dead. In Iron Man 3 we saw she was infected with the Extremis virus and during this experimentation, she could have died off screen. Also in the movies when anybody asks where is she, Tony always replies, “She’s busy.” The fans were led to believe that they both have broken up and Stark is too hurt to accept this fact. But, we know Tony he doesn’t fear embarrassment.

This points us to an important conclusion, that she might well be dead and Tony is having a hard time accepting the truth. He has been scheduling meetings on her behalf and cancelling them too. Tony doesn’t want the world to know that Pepper is no more.

The reason why this theory makes sense is that Tony went back to being Iron Man even after destroying off his suits in Iron Man 3. Addicted to fight, not a suitable reason. He needed a distraction and with Pepper gone, Tony has nothing to lose. Thus, he is giving all the attention to the team and keeping dangers off.

Well, this is just a theory if Pepper is alive, we may well see her reference in Spiderman: Homecoming. What do you think let us know in the comments?

Aditya Goel

Aditya Goel is the CEO and Publisher of QuirkyByte. He has 14 different Specializations varying from Mathematics to Computer Programming and has written for various blogs and worked as a freelance writer, programmer and developer on Elance and Freelancer. Very passionate about Technology, Movies, International TV shows especially White Collar and Cricket as a sport.
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