
5 Reasons Why The Punisher TV Series On Netflix Is A Masterstroke

Jorn Bernthal has always expressed his willingness to be part of a standalone original TV series based on the character of Punisher, which he has portrayed in Marvel super-hero TV show “Daredevil”. There was a movie made on the life of Frank Castle titled “The Punisher”: War Zone which couldn’t do justice to the character as it wasn’t well-researched and perceived punisher as some gun-toting mercenary out to create chaos, it’s not as simple as that.

This is the sixth series officially greenlit as part of the collaboration between Marvel and Netflix.

Here are the reasons why this may be a terrific idea:

1. Frank Castle/ Punisher is a fan favorite character:


He may not be a major character like Daredevil or Luke Cage in the comic-book universe, but he has always been a huge favorite of comic-book nerds and superhero enthusiasts in general.

2. Frank Castle is a multi-dimensional character:


The character of Frank Castle is a multi-layered one with full of moral dilemmas, but he does a better job at hiding them. A military veteran turned vigilante pushed to the edge by the extreme circumstances, turned to delivering harsh punishment instead of waiting for the law to take its own course.

3. Jon Bernthal Totally Nailed it in Daredevil:


It’s advisable that you first see the performance of Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle in Daredevil season 2, you will understand why a stand-alone spin-off series on Punisher may be the best decision taken by Marvel/Netflix. Jon has demonstrated his mettle and would deliver a solid punch in the spin-off as well.

4. The Punisher spin-off series could be a cash-cow for Netflix:


Netflix has a range of good superhero shows like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage etc, Punisher would fit in perfectly, also he will be better suited to face direct competition from Arrow, Flash on CW network.

5. He could be brought into Defenders project:


If the spin-off series work well, he is an eligible candidate for the ultimate Marvels’ “Defenders” project.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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