Justice League is one of DCEU’s most anticipated upcoming features. Justice League is one of the most heavily guarded ones as well. Apart from the few tidbits that have been released from Zack Snyder, fans have to dig up on what could be happening in the upcoming movie. Justice League also features a new cast that has not been properly introduced to movie audiences. Fans had a glimpse of The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg.
Gal Gadot, who stars with Ben Affleck, Jason Mamoa, Ezra Miller, Henry Cavill and Ray Fisher in Justice League would be the person to know the deep secrets of the upcoming film. Gal Gadot will also be starring in a standalone Wonder Woman feature next year. The actress, however, kept her mouth shut about the upcoming movie and instead spilled some interesting details about her co-stars.
Gal Gadot, who was doing a press junket tour for her new movie, Keeping Up with the Joneses had a lot to say about her co-stars. The website HeyUGuys asked the actress what it was like to work with the other Justice League members. The actress said:
“They’re all different and great, you know working with such a big cast and having so many different personalities on set every day, it was super interesting.”
Gal Gadot also went on to explain the similarities that each actor had to his movie screen persona:
“It’s funny because each and every one of them is their character in a weird way. Henry is super, you know he has this goodwill and is polished and pure. Ben is more cynical and more dark and more Batman-y. Aquaman, you have Jason who’s like this huge dude who loves fish and he drinks water. it was great fun and she [Wonder Woman] really enjoyed working with them”